Yeah I know how it is to be shy..though I've been quiet all my life, just the way I am I guess. Unless I'm around some friends havin a great time. But some of my funniest moments that have gotten my friends roarin with laughter have been when I just say somethin funny without a given thought to it..just be yourself and talk a bit more..but remember..It's better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you a fool..than open your mouth and prove it. :D
Well do what you want. The Wii has pretty much no games that are really that good now and lately the DS is disappointing. I have a 360 and I agree that you should get one but if you buy it and sell it, I'm going to hit you with the sharp end of an ax.FenixMagerX
I'm putting my Wii and my Ds on at least somebody is actually going to use them and enjoy them..mine sit around collecting go figure.
Don't get me wrong, I believe the Wii has its good points, but I don't think it's the system for me. I'm not very fond of the controls and even though the future releases look promising..I'm drastically bored in the mean time..but hey thanks for the comments :) Made me think
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