Skyfaze's forum posts
Well I also hate Christian rap, pop, Christian music videos and anything else like that. I honestly am shocked that almost every Christian thinks worshipping with rock music to God is good. You think in heaven angels will be screaming to metal to Jesus? No, there is better music out there that sounds uplifting (in a sinless way) You really are not aware how listening to Christian rock can damage you Christian life. (it really hurt mine, though I was do not listen to Christian rock) also its not all about lyrics. The sound of the music affects my moods the most.Meh___GuySo, are you saying rock is sinful? Sounds to me like a huge turn off to Christianity if you are saying thou shalt not listen to anything besides praise music. It comes down to lyrics the most, indeed music does affect your mood, but it is NOT always in a negative way!
There's really no point since the majority of the 360 owners are from the US and they prefer games like Halo, Bioshock, etc. And Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata is coming out near the time when Halo 3 comes out. So I don't really think Lost Odyssey or Eternal Sonata will sell well because of that. And the fact that nobody even has a 360 in Japan isn't really going to help its sales either. ElviathanI am a 360 owner and I'm looking forward to Lost Odyssey AND Eternal Sonata
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