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#1 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts

I'm going to be trying to get my hands on an Elite.  Gamestop is having a deal trade in your Premium for $250 (Core $200) towards your elite purchase.  I think I will do the $250 trade but then I lose my HD and the downloads.  I read a while back that everything you purchase is saved to your account not so much your HD.  So when I get the 1337 (sry had do it) I'll just log onto my account and presto all the previous games and vids I DLed will be available for free download??  My game saves will be the only thing I lose, right?

Oh and I will finally be making that jump to HD when I get it.

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#2 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts

[QUOTE="JiveT"]"and PS3 will most certainly pass by the 360's sales by Q1 2008"- No you read it wrong. It says he thinks the PS3 will have sold 8 million by April next year. You are figuring the 360 will not sell anymore between now and April 2008.subrosian

Dude why would anyone buy an Xbox 360 between now and April 2008? That would be stupid. I mean, yeah Halo 3 comes out... and GTA IV...and there's the holiday shopping season, but - c'mon - no one is going to buy one. Oh and the Elite is coming out, but I talked to my friend PS3Fanboy777 on AIM and he says no one wants one.

Everyone wants the PS3 - even the Wii owners, I mean yeah there are three Wii owners for every PS3 owner, so when the Wii owners all grow up and buy a PS3! We are going to have soooo many PS3 owners. Sony is god.

It's people like you that give us cows a bad name.

It's people who are unable to detect sarcasm that give cows a bad name.
Subrosian - a species from a Zelda game.
My signature - April 29th - the release date for the Xbox 360 Elite
My profile, with gamertag, photos my my Xbox 360 games, photos of the Elite, photos of my Xbox logo tagged sound system.
Or my collection comprised almost entirely of Nintendo games.

I'm poking fun at what most PS3 fans sound like. They're so annoyed that the PS3 was a misstep by Sony that they latch onto any piece of information that can detract from their "enemy" the Xbox 360. Get over it. The PS3 is not going to be the dominant system this generation -  in fact - unless the Wii turns out to be a fad or Microsoft starts doing some price cutting - it looks like the pie will be pretty even split between all three systems in the end.


I was going to poke fun at ya too. BUT then I read the signature and said wait a minute that sounds a lil educated compared to the text above it, so I checked the profile and sure enough 360 supporter.  I got one heck of a good laugh out of your post. 

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#3 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts
Welcome aboard.  After playing my cousins 360 I realized what the superior console/product would be, and I have enjoyed it ever since.
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#4 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts
LOL!  My cousin and I spent a good amount of time on that level and cursed enough to make a sailor blush with shame.  We got past it though and I think were 1 level from beating it too.
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#5 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts

How many have played GoW Ranked matches, your on the winning side, your on fire, landing all your shots, sticky nades, etc.  Then poof disconnected and none of those chainsaw kills or sticky nades made it on your ranked profile.  This to me was such a disappointment after playing a day of ranked matches I didnt have much because of getting disconnected, this was not an internet issue because I messaged some of the people I played with and they were also disconnected.  I know that disconnecting early prevents stuff from making it to your profile because I got a few Chainsaw kills and decided to disconnect cause I was having latency issues those 3-4 chainsaw kills never made it to my profile.

Multiplayer achievements are a fantastic way to get people out there and play online, but I just dont care much for them having to be in a ranked game.  Achievements I think should be based on an OVERALL tracking system that is saved to your hardrive profile not so much over an online server.  Meaning you would have your Ranked Profile and an Achievement Profile per se (hope this makes sense).  Anyway I gotta get back to work, have a good day all you GAMERZ frag a few for me!! 

P.S.  This is my first poll so I hope I did it right.  lol

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#6 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts

They are the same old systems with better graphics and rehashed sequels.

The latest controllers for these systems seems a little gimmicky to me.

I also think that the 360's sales don't matter.

Clearly, the PS3 and blu-ray is just a fad. "Home" is a fad as well.

I would post some screenshots from some PS3 games but it needs games to begin with.


WTG there Rofles McFooligan

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#7 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts

GoW2 was a decent game far from the best status though.  Get into a locked situation fight some bad guys hold L1 execute combo oh crap the guy behind me is about to attack and I cant stop to block because its a combo that imo was lame.  The combos in GoW1 worked fantasticly and you could block at the last second if you needed to.  Walk into room after room of puzzles I started wondering if his chest size would grow and he would start wielding guns cause I havent done so many puzzles since Tomb Raider.  Puzzles are there to enhance gameplay not overtake it. 

Like I said though the game was decent and I did enjoy it but calling it the best is a little much.

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#8 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts

I'm in ur disc tray,

Scratching ur discs!

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#9 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts
Well you posted this question on the 360 forum board and not System Wars :roll:.  So, it looks like to me your already leaning towards the 360.  If you can afford them both here's what to look at $499 (20GB PS3), $399 (20GB 360).  You buy the 360 you can take the money you saved and buy a couple more games which to me equals double the fun factor.  Just my opinion but I still think the 360 offers the best bang for your buck.
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#10 Slaide69
Member since 2003 • 192 Posts

So u traded a wii for a POSP? wow ur complaining about the wii's games, that crappy handheld has none...JustAGamer01

yeah what he said.  Outside of GTA: LCS I regret having owned one.  After Unsold Legends 2 update messed up my PSP (did the update just like your supposed to do) and SONY told me they wanted 90$ because it was 15 days past warranty and it was a SONY (SOE) game that bricked my PSP.  It's in a drawer now collecting dust.  The DS is far superior product to me

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