[QUOTE="blahzor"][QUOTE="st1ka"] what this thread needs is:
Scores from ALL RARE games from the SNES to the xbox 360 (using game rankings)
16- bit era:
Battle toads (SNES) : 78%
Battle toads (gen) : 72%
Battletoads and double dragon: (snes) : 59%
Battletoads and double dragon (gen): 65%
Battle toads (GB) : 77.7%
Battle toads and double dragon (GB): 65%
Battletoads in ragnarock's world (GB) : 75%
Donkey kong land (GB) : 71%
Donkey Kong land 2 (gb) : 79%
Donkey kong land 3 ( 82%)
Killer instinct (GB) :25%
Killer instinct (SNES): (80%)
The amazing spider-man (73%)
Beetlejuice (GB): 55%
Fortress of fear (GB): 20%
Sneaky snakes (GB) 53%
Championship-pro-am (Gen): 80%
Donkey kong country (SNES): 92%
Donkey kong country 2 (SNES): 92%
Donkey kong countru 3 (snes): 85%
Average score: 69%
N64 era:
Perfect Dark (N 64): 95%
Perfect Dark (GBC): 66%
Donkey kong country (GBC): 90%
Conker's pocket tales (GBC): 55%
mickey's speedway USA (GBC): 81%
Mickey's speedway USA (N64): 68%
Donkey Kong 64 (N64): 88%
Banjo-Kazooeie (N64): 92%
Banjo-Tooie (N64): 90%
Blast corps (N64): 89%
Conker's bad fur day (N64): 89%
Diddy Kong Racing (N64): 89%
Golden eye 007 (N64): 95%
Jet Force Gemini (N54): 80%
Killer Instinct Gold (N64): 74%
Total average score: 82.7%
Gamecube-Xbox era:
Starfox Adventures (GC) : 80%
Banjo Pilot (GBA): 66%
Banjo Kazooeie: Grunty's revenge (GBA): 73%
SabreWulf (GBA): 74%
Donkey Kong Contry (GBA): 78%
It''s Mr. Pants (GBA): 76%
Donkey Kong country 2 (GBA): 81%
Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA): 75.1%
Conker: Live and Reloaded (xbox): 79%
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (xbox) 70%
total Score: 75.2
Current Gen
Perfect Dark Zero (xbox 360): 81%
Viva Pinata (X360): 85%
viva Pinata 2 (X360): 83%
Viva pinata (PC): 79%
Viva Pinata (DS): 83%
Jet Pac: Refueled: (X360): 73%
Kameo (X360): 81%
Banjo 3: 78%
Average Score: 80.4%
Final Score:
1º N64 RARE: 82.7%
2º Current RARE: 80.4%
3º Last gen RARE: 75.2%
4º 16-Bit RARE: 69%
Averaging their review scores per generation is very misleading. Sure, they put out tons of crap in the 8/16 bit era.. but they also put out a handful of games that obliterate anything they've done in the last two gens.. and that's what matters.
We shouldn't be looking at their overall average but rather at their best games per generation - and to a lesser extent, the number of good games. Their best games on the SNes and N64 are astounding. They are excellent show cases of game design. ON the last gen systems and the 360? they are just good(or even great) games.. they aren't nearly as memorable, groundbreaking, revolutionary, or masterfully designed. That's why alot of people have a problem with rare recently, they used to poop magic! some of the best games of their respective generations. Not so much anymore.
ALso.. you're using gamerankings for nes and snes games? IN some of those games cases there are only 1 or 2 reviews.. that's hardly convincing evidence of the quality of those games. What makes those review scores so reliable that you can use them to compare with current games(did people even review games properly back then?)? ANd, haven't we already accepted a long time ago on system wars that scores don't equal a better game. Some of those games are better then those scores imply(or worse in some cases).
With all of that said.. i certainly do not agree with people who think rare is a poor developer. There games this gen have been pretty good, and imo are a step up from last generation. PD0 is nothing special, but viva piniata and kameo are both unique games. They are good developers, they just aren't crapping magic like they used to.
People have you ever stopped and thought. How it was much easier to say hey these games are GREAT on N64. It's becuase the N64 had only a hand full of good games and yeah mostly RARE!!!. It was becuase the N64 was mostly overshadowed by the greatness of the PS1 both in sales and great games. So it's so much easier for most of you to think so foundly of RARE back then becuase there was not nearly as much else to look at compared to PS1.
Same thing for this gen with RARE. There games are great but it's hardser to look at them becuase WE ALL KNOW THE 360 IS A GREAT GAME PRODUCING MONSTER.
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