So correct me then. Stating something without logisitical back-up is the equivelant of running out of arguements.
Man...your pulling numbers from out of nowhere...im a history PHD and im telling you...with the italian front opening up...the loss of 250,000 troops in Africa greatly reduced German field formations so in 1943 when the Russians were able to rotate units from the front...trading battered units for fresh units that had time to re fit in the hinterland the Germans were using consistently outgunned forces and you have to remember that the German economy did not get to total war footing until 1944...Russian production of war materiel greatly outstripped that of Germany.
I more than doubt you have any history experience since the German field formations were already getting hammeredbylate1941and early 1942 at the Moscow outskirts. And no, there were entire marshal divisions that marched from the front to Berlin without any sort of regeneration whatsoever. The Russians simply launched a large, two pathed war machine going Westwards with losses far smaller thanthe Germans'.
Russia's ability to outproduce the Germans in a skilled fasion showed their technical superiority - simplicity. This factor is why Russian military hardware was the best. As in the words of Georgi Shpagin, "complexity is easy; simplicity is difficult".
I'm pulling numbers from a collage of sources,some webistesbut mainlybooks from various authors like Hiroaki Kuromiya, Glanz, Keegan and many Russian authors.
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