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SlayerX_242 Blog


theres this game on XBox called fable thats really good, theres another one on Xbox xalled fable:the lost chapters, its thesame as fable but after you do the final boss for fable, theres heaps more missions, and th efinal bodss for lost chapters, its also on PC, so i got it, i ;)DIDNT;) get it illegally ( i think we all know wat the winks mean) and its really good, u can choose to be good, by doing good stuff, or evil by like killing innocent people, if youre good, you get a halo, and heaps of girls love, and GUESS WHAT, you can have s(read between the brackets)e(read between the brackets)x(read between the brackets) with them, if youre evil, you go bald, get horns your eyes go red, and theres a trail of red smoke wherever you go, oh and theres always flies around you, and you can give your guy tattoos, and haircuts, and you can upgrade different parts of him, so theres three sections, STRENGTH, SKILL, WILL

Strength: this is stuff like how strong you are, and how much healh you have

Skill: this is stuff like accuracy, speed and guile, (which is like stealth so you can sneak past people)

Will: magic, so theres like attack spells, like fireball and stuff, surround spells, like shield, and physical spells, like well, thats hard to explain so i wont

now, you dont upgrade just one section, you upgrade things in the section, so you cant upgrade your strength and have it upgrade everything within it, like in will, like, you cant upgrade a section, only one spell, its really confusing i know

its really good, you go through missions and stuff, its so good, i suggest you get it ;)NOT;) illegally

GRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i AM ANGRY

about call of duty 4, imagine how good it owuld be on wii, BUT ITS NOT ON WII :evil: its on ***king DS, so why isnt it on ***king wii, that would be the best game ever, i wish it was on wii, WAT IS THE ***KING POINT OF HAVING IT ON DS IF ITS NOT ON WII, it would sell much more on wii, it would be a much better game on wii, GRRRR


my brother got that game crysis, i played it and its really good, its kind of weird at first but then it gets really cool, its awesome, u guys should get it

OMG its SMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you know wat that mean maynza, THATS RIGHT, I GOT IT 2DAY, (just to clarify today is the 1st of december, saturday) IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD, IT IS AWESOME, ITS REALLY FUN :D

its only 80 bucks from jb-hifi,

if you want me to go into details about the game, i will make another blog entry all about it, just ask me

1 MORE DAY!!!!!yay!!!!!!:D!!!!!yay!!!!!!

there is only one more day till smg, but i probably wont get it tomorrow, ill get it on saturday, I AM it is going to be FULLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and now for some very unrelated videos:(they are really funny) (this ones a little rude) this one is really good, it shows jingle bells backwards, it shows aan evil message, listen very closely (this is the who wants to be a millionare, FUNNY)


heaps of people LOVE SMG!!!!

if you look at the reviews, heaps of people gave smg a 10 out of ten, every one gave it a great review, i reckon it looks to be better than metroid prime 3, way better than the simpsons game, it pwns all!!!!!!!!!

THE WII CLUB!!!!!!join

ur all invited to my union as honorary members, you will receive a message, accept it and your in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh but its called the wii club, (i know its a gay name, its a long story) and some of you may not have a wii, but i want you to join, you can still join, theres no problem, and as officers r honorary members, you can make topics and do the stuff i can do, join it, if there is any problems comment