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Slayergirlkal Blog

It's only Monday and already this week is lookiing to be sh!t

Um I could give you like a billion reasons why I say that!!! :D :lol: Um the first 100,000,000 would have to be that I failed my drivers test today which f*cking sucks!!! Then the next 200,000,000 would be Michelle and Josh!!! I HATE McCain and Palin!!!!! So why did they have to pick that for my economics topic!!! I can make my own choices!!! Oh and the next 300,000,000 would be Hughes letting them pick for me!!! And the rest cause Michelle is a freaking nazi!!! Oh not to mention the random Pre-Calc test I have tomorrow!!!

Mood: P!ssed the f*ck OFF!!

Could you see me teaching?

Okay in the last 2 weeks I have been told multiple times that I should teach and I'm like wtf no way!! I wanna work in law enforcement! I'll be a thrill seeker and all I wanna get shot at and stuff so I told Hughesy if I got shot enough times I'd teach :lol: that's insane!! So I might end up as a teacher :lol: That's just funny!!! :D

The new yay or nay! And Bones last night!!!

There is pretty much nothing good I can say about it! I have to blog on mp3 because won't let me! When I hit post it deletes everything I typed! Won't let me change font colors or size can't bold or Italics or underline anything! Um need I continue? Oh yeah I think I should! I can't rated anything without it ending in .5 or .0 which I find to be irritating so I can't review Bones, House or Fringe at the moment which is pissing me off especially since I feel like sh!t already!! And I've noticed that some guides are so butchered! *cough* Bones *cough* I am no longer on the top contributers list because one person is on there 3 times! Bug anyone!! I can usually deal with change but I'm not liking it!

Okay so last night Bones was freaking awesome!! I think we're getting back to old Bones greatness! Still wouldn't say it was perfect but it was pretty great!!

Why must tomorrow be Monday?

That's what I wanna know!! :cry: My friend says that god hates us and that's why tomorrow is Monday!

My Sunday has been spent reading Harry Potter!!! It's so fun to read about things that are so far from reality!

Dear Diary

September 12, 2008

Dear Diary,

Did I wake up in bizzaro world today, or is the world really this nuts?


How annoying?!?!

Okay so today I go to try and change my schedule and wow big shock :shock: Can't have English 3rd period!!! :shock: WTF?!!! That sucks! And I failed my Spanish quiz because I had like a brain freeze after they couldn't fix my schedule for me!! And hey I'm still stuck with alissa!! :o If I didn't love Spanish I'd be out of that cl*ss so f*cking fast!!!


Okay so I kinda wanna know who watched Fringe last night? I thought it was freaking awesome!!! Kinda like a cross between House and The X-Files!! To those that watched what did you think?! :D

Being awake is bad for my mental health

So I've kinda been around here but not really! Right now I feel like if I laid down I'd be out until tomorrow morning and I'm supposed to be lookign after my brother and I kinda wanna see The Closer!

My Spanish cl*ss is kinda intimidating, I think it's because there are so many people in there and a certain other person is in there! My god I would have never known that 42 minutes of a day could be so emotionally draining, so I'm thinking of changing my period for that, I know there is another Spanish 4! It's actually like my day feels lighter after 3rd period.

Well maybe I'll be around or maybe I won't be.


Leaving for a while escape reality

Well actually I'll be on here everyday since is my homepage and my computer got mad at me the last time I tried to change it, but anyway I'm not gonna be around that much over the next few weeks. I might pop in and make some subs or leave Bones reviews but right now I desperately need to escape this thing called reality.

I guess the last 2 days have really worn me down. Myfandoms will soon have my new X-Files fic and another that I call Letter to No One.

"There's just too much that time cannot earse"~Evanescence My Immortal

My last first day

OMG I'm a senior!!! Yeah after talking about it non-stop over the summer being called a senior today was kinda SCARY!! Anywayz I started my day off nicely!! I love having homeroom with my friends it's so great!!!

1st period- Economics!! Yeah well Hughesy is the teacher so it was awesomely awesome! And after Tweedy's cl*ss last year it boosted my convidence level!! I was like raising my hand the whole time like a smart person or something!! :D

2nd period- Um International Foods and yeah I almost wanna drop it maybe then I could get Western Civ. With Steph! It looks like it could be good though only time will tell J.D. seems to be a nice enough teacher! Oh and 2 things JD Said made me think of Bones!! Mr Ed!!! lol and I forget the other thing!!! :lol:

3rd period- Spanish 4 Honors and let me tell you it was fast speaking Spanish and I was keeping up but this one girl sitting next to me was a total airhead I was like go back to Spanish 1!!

4th period- Shakespeare 1 OMG Barry is just so freaking awesome I love her and I got some friends in the cl*ss so it should be pretty good

5th Gym- yeah that's nothing important we're all gonna be sitting there talking for the next few weeks

6th Culinary 2- Um it's gonna be fun totally sucks that soups and salads are gone :(

7th period was Lunch self explanatory I think

8th period- Pre-Calc um all I can say is I hope the whole year isn't as easy as today was!! Come on Graphing calculators are easy!!

9th- English 12 and I must say the teacher didn't shut up but w/e it was English so it was um okay I guess!

Song: Kelly Clarkson, Never Again!
Character: Bones
Cl*ss: Spanish 4