i read on the call of duty website that the seperate DLC section is only going to be around for a short time so people can get familiar with the maps. It should be integrated into the regular playlists soon. There are filters in the COD games or atleast the COD 4 games. If you have the map pack then you will only get put in a game with people that have the map pack. If you and your friend wants to play and he doesnt have the map pack, the DLC maps will be turned off and you will only be put in games with people that dont have DLC. If your friend joins your session in progress and you get put in a DLC map, then your friend will get booted from the game.
Slayful-Steve's forum posts
Far Cry 2. It's probably because i just bought COD:WAW at the same time and Far Cry2 just doesn't compare.
NO TANKS OR VEHICLES!!!!! tanks just ruin every part of the big maps in COD 5 like seelow, roundhouse, outskirts... i hate when im trying to snipe and i get blown up by a stupid tank
i love in call of duty how there is a kill cam. because sometimes in halo i get killed and i have no clue how. i really like halo's theater system and how you can take a video and share it with your friends, or send a backpack when you completely carry them. both games are great and have their strengths, but for me i would have to go with halo, because when you have friends over, you cant play call of duty because it DOESNT HAVE A SPLIT SCREEN ONLINE!!!
Call of Duty: WAW Double XP is going to be available over the weekend!!!!! Check it out!!!!
thanks for clearing that up. i thought that then nyko fans blew air into the xbox 360, so i didnt understand the point of them
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