Two things:
1) I find it funny that everyone now says they hate GH or Rock Band. That's why it's sold so many units right? Cuz no one plays them? :) Come on guys; there's lots of players out there. Just because a few people say they don't understand why people want to spend hours banging on fake instruments for a score doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. Sure, you could just as easily learn a new instrument...if you hada year to practice. Some people just like sitting down and pretending to play a favorite song. The games are challenging...I wonder how many "haters" are actually any good at the game? Plus, how long would it take you to learn 3 songs off the game? Far easier to just play the 300 ones that are already out. If you want to learn a real instrument, then by god go do it. If not, shut up and let the rest of us play. :p)
2) I freaking hate quitters. Sure, you can say no one knows why they quit...but how many quitters quit when they are winning? hm? I've played a lot of GH, Rock Band, and the other spin offs, and I can say I've had people quit 5 seconds into the song, for prob a connection reason, and others who "mysteriously lose their connection" right before the last few notes, when they are losing. Sure, go ahead and say it doesn't annoy you; you lie. What if it was Halo 3, or COD? You like quitters there? I can't tell you how many times I've been in a COD match where our team was winning...only to have the host quit. If you're that worried about stats, and your "level", perhaps you should stick with an RPG?
All I'm saying is that quitters degrade the quality of multiplayer. They should have penalties for quitting; esp in games like GH. SOMETIMES you get the win, and sometimes you don't. Why not just gracefully lose? Are the leaderboard scores that important? Can't see how they would be, given that most of the people in the top 10 slots seem to have funny records. (Check COD Modern Warefare...the number 1 guy had 50% less stats than the number 2...kills the whole point of leaderboards when you have to cheat.
Also, last thing. You few people out there you use the "little magic box" to interrupt net connections in a game where your losing SUCK. You know who you are...and I don't think it's a lot of you, but you ruin the game for everyone.
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