Sleepysmoo2's forum posts
I'd have to say COD4...Final Fantasy 8, The Darkness, (if you count the whole end of the stage before you kill Uncle Paulie), and Halo 3...
Lol, my problem is I hardly ever beat games.
Could be the router itself. I have problems sometimes with my laptop trying to use the same ip address as the router, which kicks it off.
Could be something else causing interferance too. Other electronics, or some piece of furniture.
Also, if your computer is on at the same time, that may or may not increase the flow of traffic on your router's network.
Just some thoughts.
I would say Clive Barker's Jericho is a game to rent, not to buy. I liked the demo, but the game is a little different.
First off, the story in Jericho starts off promising, but gets confusing and a bit muddled later on in the game. The ending in particular isn't that great. (Actually, there's not much of an ending at all).
Secondly, the control in Jericho isn't as good as DMC4. Trust me on this. I beat Jericho all the way through, and cursed quite frequently when my whole team died because of some exploding enemy or a flame-throwing enemy. It's a cheap way to get you to have to start over.
If I had to pick between the two, I'd say DMC4. If you want to try Jericho, rent it, don't buy. If you need more confirmation, read the reviews for both games. Nuff said. :)
Hey man,
I had the same problem with my previous 360. Right out of the box, it wouldn't play like 3 of my games. I would notice the hum would die down, and the game would stop working, and I would see that same message. "Disc is dirty". Sometimes when I put the games in, it would say, "Please put this disk in an xbox 360". MEH.
Then, when I got Guitar Hero 2, one day I heard a horrible noise, (and the xbox hadn't been hit, moved, or even touched), and the disc message came up. When I took the disc out, it had a perfect circle scratched into the back of the disc.
Then, about a week or so later, I got the red rings of death, and my box stopped working completely.
Hate to say it, but it sounds like your box is going to break. Don't listen to the people who say the old models don't scratch disks, they certainly do!
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