Fable 2. I bought the special edition because I was crazy about the first fable. Just couldn't get into the second one.... tried hard too. Just no dice, and I'm probably an idiot, but I couldn't figure out how to play multiplayer?
Halo 3 had a cool ending. Kind of an over hyped game and a bit of a let down. But don't beat up the game for being over hyped, the ending was cool. As it is, best ending ever? I haven't played them all yet. :)
RE5... I have it on reserve.... just haven't gone to pick it up yet. Still playing Dead Space, Left 4 Dead and Gears of War 2. But I need to go get it before I lose my 5 dollar deposit!
I just purchased my third xbox after being riddled with various error's causing me to part ways with my system and wanted to share a nice trick to scoring a 3 year warranty. I bought an Arcade system from Target for the 199.99 price. Target will warranty any electronic item under 200 dollars. Because this made it by a penny, I now can have them replace my system anytime in the next three years hastle free and it was only an additional 19.99. Sure beats dealing with Microsoft. thought I'd just share that considering the MASSIVE failure rating of the 360.
I think keeping the same name but this time displaying "This time we made a system that won't break every 4 months!" somewhere on the box would be just fine. Other than that, Xbox Revolution would be cool. same idea just sounds neat.
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