A single game company can't destroy gaming in the same way a single movie studio can't destroy the film industry, or a single record company destroying the music industry. This dude calling EA cynical is pot calling the kettle black.
@BuBsay when the hell did Saren and Sovereign try to blow up the Citadel? They were trying to activate a relay inside the Citadel to let the Reapers through, not blow it up...
@Giancarlo I guess there isn't an exact definition, but people who look down on other people for their tastes and/or opinions (in this case, for games). Most of these people act like that the RetakeME3 movement was just a bunch of rambling, uneducated crybabies despite the fact that ME3's ending was, in many people's eyes, heavily flawed. I can understand their criticism towards Bioware for planning on changing it, but I don't mind at all.
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