My intentions are to see if anyone else is excited about it, you don't have to comment especially if you're just going to be negative.
1. Demon's Souls2. Killzone 23. Heavy Rain4. Littlebigplanet5. Metal Gear Solid 46. Uncharted 27. Valkyria Chronicles8. Resistance 29. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 210.Infamous*Exclusives ftw* :)
I'm also looking for anyone's opinion comparing 3 MMO's:Everquest II Sentinel's FateEve OnlineFinal Fantasy XIIf you could buy just one and play it, which would it be?doug1975 Eve Online is incredible. Everquest 2, not so much. I haven't played ffxi. But who cares, you'll probably head back to WoW anyway ;)
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