I was thinking about about the Revolution controller and thinking how would it work with normal games, I know they are going to make a shell for the it (or so I've been told) and you can plug Gamecube controllers to the top of the console as well. But that would just be a waste using those when the Rev controlelr offers something different. But I still don't know how games things like fighting games will work with the sensor, not to mention the lack of buttons and how hard it would be to use all of the ones of the controller at the same time.
I know the controller offers something different and would be great for games like the FPS, where you can aim better than with an analogue stick or RTS games which would be as easy or easier to order troops around. But is the Rev remote going to be sacrificing control over specific game types while gaining better in others and what effect will this have on the consumer if popular game types are not as compatible as they were with other consoles.
The Rev remote is a new thing, and the success of it really depends on game developers. While it does seem to have good support from Square-Enix making FF:CC and Ubisoft making Red Streel for example and also its own franchises already working for its console, without third party support taking advantage of the consoles controller the console will once agin have to rely on just Nintendo and a few other companies and is likely to fail just like the Gamecube did.
So I would ask, do you think Nintendo has tried to innovate too much for games developers who are not willing to take risks with something as bold as the Rev controller?
Or do you think that the Rev controller is going to be the start of new and inventive games that will give game developers the chane to do something new?
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