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Sly_wacoon Blog

I live!

Hmm. Havent been posting in here recently, mainly due to a lack of anything to post. What can i say, i've just been lounging around my house for the most part, in between periods of being bored when no-ones online and being buried under sudden MSN spams when 50 people i know come on at once and demand I play 50 different games with them. Right now. Aaaack.

Heh, ahh well, i cant say it hasnt been... interesting, and has kept me entertained during the downtime. Its basically this website where you get a random image, laugh at it because its funny, and then click the image to get another random one .Its kept me amused so far, even if it is largley NSFW and you get the occasional bit of porn (or, dear lord, naked overweight biker dude)

Anyway i came on here to say i finallly finished the Harry Potter book, having bought it about a week after everyone else. Its a good book, if a little over-angsty in places, and is worth a read so long as you've read the other ones. The final final final deul that ends it, however is hyped up loads in the chapter before it, theres lots of banter with no fighting between the deullists.. and then it just.. well, ends. I thought that was, well, a little short to be the deul to end all deuls, but whatever. The Epilogue is good too, even if it leaves me wanting another book xD

See ya, peeps.

PS: STOP - Hammertime

Argh. Disaster!

Well, Sort of. Ho hum. Im officially on Work Experience. Its one weeks work that every british student has to do, to help get them a "taste of work". I normally wouldnt mind, but i dont get paid for it and I have to go work up in london with my mum. Unf.

Still, its not all bad. Im working from home tomorrow helping to set up the works Mail Server, so at least i can do it at home, and scince i ordered Rome: Total War on Saturday, it sould arrive tomorrow with any luck so i'm here to sign for it. Yay ^-^

Still, weird thing happened comming home today. My train was pulling into the station with me on it when some naked guy jumped onto the track in front of it and started running down the line. He must have been off his face, really, but at least he was'nt splatted. That would have meant even more delays.

Anyway, im gonna have less time to get to the computer this week, so less blogging and MSNing. Hohum.

...daim im updating my blog more than usual xD

*Que Spanish Guitar Solo*

A tumbleweed blows across the street. The sound of Hooves on cobblestones can be heard. Drunken mexicans look up from their siestas while the sheriff makes his exit via the back door of the saloon. Children cry out loud and hardmen run for their mommies: Sly is back in town.

*Ahem* Anyway, Heya all. I'd like to say i've got a tan, but sadly its only on my hands and face - wearing a wetsuit will do that to you. Mixed feelings on my return. Firstly, i get to hug my kitties again ^-^ But my 360 is as tempermental as ever and ants have invaded the house. But at least i've got a new mouse, and Rome: Total War is on its way.

Now all I need is for Zonealarm to stop lagging my PC with its virus-scan long enough to let me log onto MSN. Its been off for a week, how the heck is a virus gonna get onto my pc?!

Peace, I'm out.

Yeah. Im off to cornwall for a week's surfing, so thats why I wont be online. Sono complaining that im gone, if anyone still even cares xD

Also, in other news, my mouse has finally packed in. The left click button as lost its springyness, so its constantly clicking, which means that i keep drawing boxes and inadvertantly moving documents and programs into the wastepaper basket, or merging them with each other. Arrrgh. Talk about bad timing.. still, when i get back I can get a new one, as well as that copy of Rome: Total War i've allways wanted. Hehe ^^

Dont Jinx it...

Well, I've semi nursed the 360 back to health, mainly by unplugging it an leaving it alone for a couple of days. Turns out Microsoft used a cheapass cooling system or something, then end result of this means that the 360 is.... temperamental at best. So it was a kinda false alarm, seeing as I got to it in time.

Anyway, I managed to get my 360 working again, and the people at GAME were nice and exchanged my copy of Oblivion for a new one, as well as saying that if it happens again they'll fix my 360 to stop it from happening. Nice blokes. Buy from GAME, kiddiewinks. =P

So its not all bad. Although my Dad's dicovered this odd little pirate game >.> Its basically trading cards, but with perforated pirate ships in them? You pop out the pirate ship shapes and make little 3D pirate ships out of it xD Its weird, but keeps him happy, soooo....

Why Me?!

Blech. Why does this happen EVERY TIME I get time off school? Seriously, nothing like this ever goes wrong during the week in termtime...

Now, from my previous posts, you might notice that I have been doing, and completed, my GCSE exams. And now that they're over I'm FINALLY allowed to get Xbox Live and Oblivion,both of which i've been waiting for scince I pretty much got my 360 (yeah, getting it a month before the exams was kinda dumb, but it was stupidly cheap due to it being preowned, so I jumped on it.)

...But thats the problem. Its preowned. Which means that there must be SOMETHING wrong with it, and recently i found out what.

it chews up any discs you put in there. My Gears of War disc kept getting that "disc cannot be read" error, but because it came with the 360 I just assumed that it was a glitchy disc, on account of it being preowned. But i buy a brand new Oblivion disc on Sunday, play it for most of the rest of the day and for a little bit of monday, shut down my console for the night. Now todays Wednesday, and im getting that f***ing "Disc Cannot be Read" Error and when I look at the bottom of the disc, its got curved scratches in it, as if they were made while the disc was spinning. So thats 40 quid down the drain, because I got it as part of a bundle offer (the other half of which, a startreck game, was complete crap) and GAME dont accept ANY returns once the seal is broken on the case, so im left with a £40 reflective disc.

But thats not the worst of it. Oh no. I take the disc out, polish it up, put it back in its case and shut down my 360 to let it cool down,because maybe it will like the disc again a little later. I fire it up 10 minuites later... and i get the Red Ring Of Death

Oh HELL no! My 360 is now DEAD. Useless. and, heres the fun part: its preowned, so I CANT GET IT REPAIRED! Im going to have to buy a frikken new one! So Bye-Bye Xbox live, because theres no way in hell im shelling out money on a new frikken xbox when its most likley gonna just die on me.

Sorry for the rant, guys.. but literally 2 days into my summer holidays and my 360 craps out... bad stuff like this allways happens to me during my holidays ;.;

Time Ovar!

Heh. Yes! Finally! My Exams are over! And they didnt seem too hard either, allthough I cant really say for sure yet. Hohum. Heh, the one I was dreading, Maths, turned out actually manageable, and even the seemingly impossible Class Civ 2 was allright (even if i didnt fully finish the paper)

Still, Ive got another 2 months to agonise before they even announce the results, let along give me back my coursework. Blech. But at least thats 2 months of no school, plus another on top of that. Hehe. Good to be over. Now I can sit back and relax for a while...

Exams! Gack.

Ack. I was sure that I posted this here, but, meh, guess not.

 Anyway, Yes! That dreaded time is upon me as across the nation GCSE's decend upon unsuspecting students. Which means that i have... ohh... about 12 exam papers to do. Arrgh.

 Still, i've allready got English 1, DT and ICT out of the way, so its not all bad. I was seriously expecting English 1 to be MUCH harder than it was but, miraculously, the questions werent too bad and it was managable. (For those not in the know, English 1 is poetry and Literature Analysis. Eep.

 ICT was, of course, easy, and DT was allright and, hey, i got a week's studyleave in before my next exam... which is gonna be this monday (the 4th) and has Maths and Geography 1. Ho-hum, just gotta grit my teeth and bear it, I suppose.

 And, hehe, after all my exams are over im off untill August, so it allmost makes three weeks of solid exams worth it. Hehe.


Hehe, Thats right! ^^ Another year older. Hehe, should be sweet, im getting a few friends together on the weekend to go bowling or something, seeing as between us we've seen most of the good movies. Heh. Got a new iPod for by birthday, to replace my crapy old one that refuses to work (or even update its OS. Grr.) And my sister got me a bunch of books, as well as Trigger Happy TV DVD's. Hehe. She knows what I like.

 Anyway, i'll be seeing you guys around! Im kinda busy for the next few days, so activity might be down.

 *hugs everyone*


The Mods Strike Again

Grr.. I just got nobbled with a 1 day suspension by a mod, along with half of the union im in, the Furry union. Apparently furry artwork is too offensive for them.. frikken mundanes...

Heh, I kid. Most of the mods are allright (please dont smite me, oh mighty ones) And i'll admit that the picture I posted was kinda borderline.. hrumph. But still, there was no actual nudity, just a skintight t-shirt, and i didnt even get a warning, and some of the other stuff thats getting deleted there isnt even rude... Anyway, thats my rant over. I wanted to do a blog update anyway, sooo...

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