Smirnov171 Blog
My Ten Favourite Games! LOL
by Smirnov171 on Comments
10. Orange Box (Xbox 360)
First got it in January and hammered it for 2 month straight finishing Half Life 2 and Portal, I'm still half way through Episode 1 and 2 as I got a bit side tracked as of the amazing Team Fortress 2. I think Team Fortress probably did it for me as I love the maps and modes on it, the visuals are amazing cel shadedness and the wackiness of the characters its still played by me from time to time.
9. Spiderman 2 (Playstation 2)
Free roam Spiderman what more can you say it owns!
8. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360)
First game I played when I got LIVE back in December and was hooked until this month ashamedly. I still havent completed it on Veteran.
7. FIFA 2002 (Playstation)
At 10 years old and a total football demon I used to hammer this game with my beloved Newcastle United side always my team I picked and win every game 20-0. What happended to the FIFA's where you could score from the halway line?
6. Silent Hill (Playstation)
Used to play this when I was only 7 and 8 and be total **** scared of it and probably still am. It's a game that I will have to dig out some time.
5. Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
Master Chief OWNS! I'm still addicted to the multiplayer in it I'm turing into FPS Doug as I am shouting BOOM! HEADSHOT! alot.
4. Tony Hawk's Underground (Playstation 2)
Total pure Class. This was the best Tony Hawk's game and I have them all and there willl never be a Tony Hawk's game as good as it TOTAL OWNAGE!
3. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Playstation 2)
My favourite GTA as of the City, mix of missions and the best gameplay. Still has the best misssions and soundtrack ever.
2. Call of Duty 2 (Xbox 360/PC)
Used to play it online on PC with friends and was the best and yess I was one of those squeaky mouth off 13 year old kids I know I am only 17ish now but I've matured alot since then. When I first got my Xbox it was my first game aswell so it needs to be here. Is the best CoD game made yet CoD 3 the worst.
1. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (Xbox 360)
Played it from launch day until I got LIVE and CoD 4 the best game ever made and nothing will be better than this game until the next Elder Scrolls game comes out or when Fallout 3 comes out. (Fallout 3 is made by the people who make the Elder Scrolls games)
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