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Smithblat89 Blog

Noobs on Gears of War!

I'm loving this, I fell like a really good pro. But the thing is they all quit, and it suck in a ranked match because if they quit no one else can join. Which will end the game really quite or the teams are uneven.

Christmas is here!

Just would like to say Merry Christmas to all my friends on gamespot, and I hope you have a good one. I'm going to playing Gears of War later because I knew there will be alot of noobs on xbox live.

The All Genres of Gaming Union failed

Well, my union failed because someone had declined the invite that I sent them. I can't make another union for one month which will be Jan 17th, 2007, and I don't know if I'm going to still make this union, but by that time I should know if I'm still making this union or not.

Christmas is just a little more then....

A week away and I have not one present under the tree. My Mom and Dad have not done any christmas shopping for me and my bro. This weekend will mostly be the time they will be get some presents because I'm working 8 hours on both saturday and sunday. But for the most part I think they might be a little short on cash right now because just after x-mas we will be moving into a new and bigger house. Plus I really don't want anything other than a Wii (which I will buy after I move). I have a job so I'm always buying things that I want, so that why I don't really care that I will most likey not get much. But Christmas is a good time of year, so I'm going enjoy it.

Already Time for a New Union!

Ok, I'm going to make a new union named "The All Genres of Gaming Union", which well the titles basically speak for its self. This union will be about every type of game that is out there, from Shooters, to Racing, to fighting, RPGs, and much more. But first thing I have to do is Give up my Leadership to The Hip Hop and Rap Union which I'm going to give in to Scorpinox1989 because he is a friend off gamespot that will give it right back after I have my new union up and running. So I'm going to need some charter members at least 4 but I hope more. You can sign up right here.

This or That?

GNASHER SHOTGUN Short-range weapon that can occasionally take down a Locust Drone in one shot. Most effective at less than 3 meters.


LANCER ASSAULT RIFLE The workhorse Coalition weapon, Fully automatic, Intended for midrange combat. The weapon's Chainsaw Bayonet can be activated when in close proximity to a enemy.

Guess What? this is so funny!

I got the Rings of Death, Oh how happy I was to see that sh!t on my Xbox 360. See a about a week a ago my Xbox started to mess up. At first it stalled and I just restarted the xbox, and kept playing. It really was not a big deal because it happens, so I play Gears of War for about a hour then once again it stalls, and once again I restarted my xbox. Then another hour or two goes by and guess what? Yes it stalls for the third time. So I just trun the xbox off because I thought it overheated. So I leave it for about half a hour and go back to playing Gears of War, and for the rest of the night nothing happen. But the next day my friend turn on my xbox 360 and played Need for Speed: Carbon for about 5 minutes and it stalls, so he put Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires in and the samething happen and at the time I was on my computer, so after I was done. I had no warranty, so I thought of cleaning it, by opening it up(which was really stupid because it is so damn hard to get in it), and I will never try that again because it was a waste of time. I never got into I got the stupid top peice off and couldn't get passed that. I just put it back together and tried to clean it the best I could. For a few hours it worked, and once again it happen. So I stop playing it. The werid this is a played DVD and CD's fine for about 4 days, and then Today is when I saw the most horrible thing THE F***ING RINGS OF DEATH, I got pissed Smash it a few time, and then the disc tray wouldn't open, so I pulled the whole thing out and broke that. I felt very happy after that because a few hours after that I went to EB games a bought a Brand new Xbox 360. I also got two new games with it, Project Gotham Racing 3 and Kameo. They are both not for Resale so I wrote be trading them in.

Got My HDTV!

Well I finally got one. Its a Digimate 32" Widescreen LCD HDTV which looks awesome. It was 749.99can, which really isn't much for a 32" HDTV. At first I was only going to play on my 360 but, you can't just use it for that so I'm also watch DVDs and Cable TV on it. But damn playing the Xbox 360 on this TV looks amazing. Here a picture of it, I need a new stand for my TV and Xbox 360 which I will but buying in a few weeks, hopefully. But for now I use a table.  

My iPod Broke!

I will never buy anything made by apple again. I had my iPod nano for about 7 months and the hole time I had trouble with it. But Today it finally broke, I don't know what happened to it or how it happened.  I HATE IPOD FOR LIFE NOW!!!
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