I know for one that I wouldn't even have a mic on if it wasn't for party chat. I tried to go on with strangers, and ended up into multiple verbal altercations with people. When you play a game like CoD: WaW or other shooters with a community; people are down right ugly to you. And I myself have done my own share of cussing people out for team killing or noob tubing and other crap. I have met some cool people but then again met some really strange and freaky people too. To top it all off, I couldn't weigh out the ratio of how many dumb A** punks I exchanged words with, those totally out weighed the number of decent cool people. In fact, I went through my friends list and removed alot of people that I thought were cool, but I never even talk to or play games with for some reason. Seriously what is the reason to have a friend on XBL if you aren't going to communicate with them? Oh and the most enjoyable experiences (sarcasm), is those singing high pitched punk kids that all run around with Jugg and an Mp40; laughing at you and talking trash. Somehow I ended up getting bad reviews for talking trash when I was usually defending myself to some douchebag that started the mess by intentionally team killing at the end of a match or being the host and team killing over and over again. Yeah, I don't do the normal chat in game anymore, its much better for my health and psyche to do party chat with my friends.
Smogtoe's forum posts
Hackers will always try to find ways to get the edge in everything, and getting under a map to obtain the edge is a prime example. This happens when a game is vulnerable due to poor security measures implimented. I personally was on an opposing team being killed over and over again, and had to listen to the players just laughing their tails off. Sorry, but that is what sucks, I don't play games to get hosed by the other team when they are cheating and feel okay with it. And it just makes my day when a punk douche with no skill goes into "last stand" and fires an Uzi instead of a pistol at me.(sarcasm). If you have ever been killed this way, then you feel mine and a bazillion others' pain. To say that someone else sucks because they are getting out done by a cheater with a controller giving them an enhanced killing edge just dosen't make sense to me. Seeing as the fact that there is a good chance that someone dropping into last stand has a high chance of coming out the victor in a normal battle. Hey I have an idea! Let's put an Uzi in his hand when he goes into last stand instead, and watch how much fun this will be! Death would be imminent for the opposed. And people need to be heard, they are not whiners! They are needing for others to help them deal with their frustrations, I'm sure you yourself have been in similiar cases whereas the games you play get you upset too. Whats so wrong with expressing displeasure with something? I find it hard to believe you have no complaints when you play CoD. Why put a label on someone?
Been playing WaW since December 08, and I've enjoyed it for the most part. There are times when I can't stand to play......usually those times are encompassed around glitchers, cheaters, team killers, etc. But other than those few mishaps....the game is very addictive. Considering that I was against the CoD series until Modern Warfare came out, and then discovered WaW. I personally like aspects of both games. But I don't think I can choose one over the other. If I really had to then WaW, because I know the maps better than CoD4. I do however like the campaign of CoD4 better than WaW. That is the main thing I played in CoD4.
Got Call of Duty: World at War only a couple of months after it released for $34.99 at Best buy.
LoZ: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
Alien Syndrome
Metroid Prime 3
Godfather Black hand
Super Paper Mario
Resident Evil 4
No More Heroes
Guitar Hero 3: Medium difficulty
[QUOTE="batsy4life"][QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]It's a myth created by people with Nintendo systems trying to make themselves feel better about their situations
Nintendo has never challenged the gamer. None of the Mario Bros games are hard, Zelda is a cakewalk for anyone who didn't suffer head trauma, and other titles like Metroid just take a little time to sort out.
The idea that the "core Nintendo gamer" is upset is past laughable. They've "supposedly" been playing these games all their lives but now that the spotlight is on them they can't say they enjoy this kind of gaming. Instead they're trying to throw Nintendo under the bus so others wont look at them a certain way.
hmmm...i dont see myself as a fan of any company (they all have one purpose after all) and seeing as how the Wii is my 1st nintendo console, i can understand this. Also, the division between "hardcore" and "casual" is odd to me.
I'm a fan of Nintendo, they do a lot of things I like and while they might not always thrill people with their lack of things like online I understand why they chose their path.
The hardcore/casual stuff is nonsense. Don't pay attention to it. We're all casual at some point and then our interest in it decides how we are.
Games aren't casual or hardcore, people are. No one title lifts you to the ranks of hardcore or lowers you to a casual player.
I couldn't have said better myself........that's EXACTLY how I feel..........and for the record I've been a gamer since before the NES.
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