The last game I got was probably Sonic. Wii cards are hard to find in Australia....damn it. But the next one I'm getting is definitely Ocarina of Time! WOOOOT!!
i don't think it's only Australia. I have had the hardest time to find one.I live in a major metropolitan city and i have been trying to find one for over a week and a half.
I don't know what it is but it always seems i have other things to do on days in which we have something big going on at the union.Oh well c'est la vie ! i'll do my best to make a showing for the first anniversary of this great union. Cause we are going to !
As many of you know i am a big Old School fan when it comes to video games,so as you can imagine i've been downloading a bunch of games from VC. I got me wondering what era of games are you playing on VC ? Are you sticken with the games that most of you have grown up with from N64 or are you doing a blast from the past and playing games that are the base of the Nintendo Company? Or are you just checking out a little of everything?
I would have to say there not doing to bad ! Execpt of course there not being a Mario game out yet !! I know some of you are saying it doesn't matter we have TP,but for us old timers who grew up with Mario it's not fair at all.I will give credit to the Wii for still coming out with some great games to keep me occupied until that day when i can say "It's me Mario" !! As for compairing it to previous Nintendo consoles i really can't compair do to the fact that they all have there own good points and there bad,but mostly good.
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