Source blog post
"Recreating the freedom Elder Scrolls players expect within the World of Warcraft-style mechanics Zenimax Online is using for this MMO would be impossible without changing the way that players interact with the world."
I just resurrected my 2008 account to say that this is unacceptable. ZeniMax and Bethesda, once the last bastions of inspired and passionate game design, decide to mount the MMO beast and ride into a sunset of Shame. Other RPGs have suffered this fate, but The Elder Scrolls has always been built on ideals fundamentally incompatible with multiplayer mechanics. The TES series is remarkable in part because it is so immersive; the depth and personality of the game world are diluted when their implementation is spread out among thousands of "protagonists".
Consumer response to Skyrim proves the universal appreciation for well-crafted single player RPGs. MMOs are simply a different breed, but they shouldn't be seen as the "next appropriate step" in a franchise's growth.
I should mention that ZeniMax Online Studios began development of TES Online in 2007.
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