oh u must be talking about iron gear .... solid it avliblie only in gumdrop isnland but i went there and got it it sucks ver ver y very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very verye very very very evry very very very much (wow tht was alot of verys)
i would say buy games but thats not because i dont like xbox 360 because i used to have one. but games r nearly the same on both ends just couple of exclusives here and there but with wii u have alot more different games. so keep wii and buy ps3 games. say what games u got now and we can suggest what to get?
lol thats why i wated to buy some ps3 i only got 2 friggin games (i have had my ps3 for a while now) i mostly just rent them but i want some new games for keeps
buy a 360 i already got a ps3 and a wii (tikking about selling the wii) but im preety sure most of u will say to buy games becasue u hate the 360 or something like tht i will also post this in the 360 forums
werid i have winrar i downloed it but when it say to go to ps3sixaxis document a a small black screen shows it just a small black sreen it dosent cover the hod computer
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