I just picked up the latest Mario game, New Super Mario Bros. 2. It's a fun game that retains the same classic formula. The game leans a little on the easy side though. Most people have seen what this game focuses on. It focuses on getting as many coins as possible on each level. The average coins for each level hovers around 300 coins. That's 3 lives per level! Needless to say, you eventually gain a huge stockpile of lives as you go through each coin-filled level.
The Last Story is something else though... this game is simply amazing. And I'm not even 5 hours in yet! This game has a very strong start so I'm hoping it lasts the whole way through. It's easy to attach yourself to the characters, battles benefit from planning and strategy and the music is incredible. Although it's a JRPG, it doesn't feel like one. Hironobu Sakaguchi, the director behind the game, wanted to create a JRPG that would appeal to Western gamers. He's definitely accomplished that. The battles take place in real-time and you're free to maneuver around the battlefield as you like. You do perfrom auto-attacks but where you are attacking from can change how powerful your attack is. My only complaint about the combat is the fact that you have to tilt the analog stick in the direction the enemy is in. That means if you're trapped in a corner, there's no way to really escape because you'll end up hitting the enemy. The music by Nobuo Uematsu also bears mentioning. So far, the game's music has properly fitted each situation. Loud and epic during fights and solemn and slow during character interactions. These two make an amazing combination. And for those of you who don't know who they are, they are the director/producer and composer respectively behind the original Final Fantasy games. I feel like after their departure from Square after Final Fantasy X, the series has lost its relevance in the RPG genre and in gaming in general. When they were in control, the series was mainstream and everyone had to have the games in their collection. This is a great swan song for the Wii and for those of you who don't have it yet, especially if you live in Europe (it's been out for quite a while there) you should definetely play this game.
Fan Expo begins in a few days and I'll be going to it. Ean Expo is Canada's equivalent of Comic-Con. Veronica Taylor, the voice behind Ash Ketchum in the Pokemon anime, will be there and will be hosting a few Pokemon related events. I've already got something side aside for her to sign as well. As for the gaming side... WII U will be there! Ubisoft, being the awesome Canadian company they are, will have Zombi U available to try. That will be my first stop at Fan Expo after I'm done with my Pokemon events. I'll be posting up my impressions of both Zombi U and Wii U after I've played them. I hope I get to play them... the line will probably be epic. Hopefully it'll be worth it.
Until next time, keep gaming!
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