I know not who will look upon this blog for my feelings but I will now give my choices for Game of the Year. It's not an easy decision especially since I have difficulty remembering what came out earlier this year since the last 3 months were such a blur as great game after great game was released. Using Wikipedia as my guide (all hail the mighty Wikipedia!) I have assembled my picks for GOTY for each genre and platform. Of course I have to have actually played these games for them to count so I am leaving PSP off my list (what game came out this year for PSP that was good?) as well as sports games and PC games. A few great games like Uncharted 3, AC: Revelations, and Little BigPlanet 2 are off the list since I haven't played them. I played a lot of games this year and I still am working my way through most of them but I've played enough to form an opinion. I honestly hope someone will read this... lol. Here I go:
Best Action Adventure Game:
Batman: Arkham City
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Winner: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
I loved every single one of these games but Skyward Sword is the best for me simply because of the interaction you have with the game through motion controls and when you make a mistake you feel like it's your own fault and not the game's fault. The world is also huge and while it's not nearly as big as the other games' worlds it's still a beautiful looking world that is always pleasing to the eye. The journey that you go through as you explore the world is truly great and well-deserving if its praise.
Best Fighting Game:
Marvel vs Capcom 3 (Ultimate)
Mortal Kombat
Winner: Marvel vs Capcom 3 (Ultimate)
I'm probably one of the few people who enjoyed MvC3 more than MK this year. While MK is a huge improvement over its predecessors and MvC3 took steps backward from MvC2, I still prefer the crazy, fast-paced action of MvC3. It is most definitely not balanced which leads to some serious beatings online but I remain steadfast in my dedication to the game even if none of my peers agree.
Best Platformer:
Super Mario 3D Land
Rayman Origins
Sonic Generations
Winner: Super Mario 3D Land
Sonic is fast and Rayman is wacky but none can beat the grandfather of platformers, Mario. Easily the best 3DS game (spoilers!) it uses the 3D and integrates it into its design. The 3D helps the game instead of just enhancing the experience. I'm starting to think that Nintendo doesn't tell anyone how to use its hardware since the only good 3DS games released this year came from the big N.
Best Puzzle Game: Portal 2
Being the only puzzle game I played this year, it wins by default. But that doesn't mean that should it have had competition it would have won as easily. This is easily the best puzzle game I've played in my life and one of the funniest games this year as well.
Best RPG:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Dark Souls
Pokemon Black/White
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
Winner: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Any of my GameSpot friends surprised that it's not Pokemon? I have been a fan of the series since I was 5 and that trend still continues but to be completely honest, Black/White kind of fell flat for me. I guess going from the greatness that is Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver to Black/White is too much to expect. Gold/Silver are still two of my favourite games in the series. Dark Souls was great but it was far too difficult to continue playing for the sake of my sanity. Skyrim is the perfect blend of difficulty, story, and RPG elements that make for a great game. Skyrim's open world is the perfect setting for a RPG and what a world it is! Varied environments, random encounters, multiple quests and objectives are the core of Skyrim and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Best Shooter:
Killzone 3
Shadows of the Damned
Starfox 64 3D
Gears of War 3
Winner: Gears of War 3
I've loved the Gears of War series from the moment I first played it with my friend. I've gone from n00b to a guy who will own you if you met me online. There's no other game that gives me such feelings of satisfaction of killing people like Gears of War.
Best Xbox 360 Game: Gears of War 3
I pick Xbox exclusive games and since I don't dive into the world of Xbox Live Arcade or Indie games because of my Xbox's memory size, and I don't play driving games, this one by default goes to Gears of War 3. Not like there was much competition here anyway.
Best PS3 Game:
Killzone 3
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Winner: Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection
As you can tell, I'm not big on Sony exclusives. I'm not that big on Sony in general; I find they're derivative and boring. The only reason I own a PS3 is because my family wanted a Blu-Ray player and having a Blu-Ray player and a console seemed right after our Xbox 360 died. And the only reason I buy games for the PS3 is because I have a 4GB Xbox. That won't hold jack. I wasn't that excited for this year until I heard that they were making an Ico and Shadow of the Colossus remake and that The Last Guardian was being made. I was ready to go out and buy it the moment I heard it! Having missed out on Ico and Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2 (ironically enough I have both of them now on PS2) I was afraid I had missed the chance to play these modern classics. These 3 games are what makes me proud to own a PS3. Shadow of the Colossus however is the clear standout here. It is epic, EPIC! I've never been so into a game before in my life! The atmosphere, the music, it all draws you in and creates tension that is unlike any other game. I'm so glad I had the chance to play these games.
Best Wii Game:
Kirby's Return to Dream Land
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Winner: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
I love Kirby but Skyward Sword finally showed me what Nintendo has been trying to do for the past 5 years. Controls are fantastic; using the sword has never felt better. Guarding enemies adds a new layer of challenge to the game that is welcome. No more random button mashing until they go down. You have to patiently wait for an opening and then exploit it in order to defeat your enemies. Some of the puzzles were a little too much for my untrained brain to handle but that's ok. I eventually figured it all out. Maybe if Xenoblade Chronicles actually made it to North America in time there would be another nominee but alas, it shall have to wait until next year.
Best DS Game:
Pokemon Black/White
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
Winner: Pokemon Black/White
Come on, was it going to be something else? I will admit, this entry does have me a little angry, the Pokemon this year weren't nearly as exciting, random encounters were way too frequent, and the Pokemon Contest was...what? A beauty contest with no interactivity? Boring. Thankfully this was offset by great gym puzzles, a great attempt at story, and animated sprites (even if the pixilation reminded me of Red/Blue). A good entry in the series but it does pale in comparison to last year's HeartGold/SoulSilver. Any Pokemon game that followed in the footsteps of those two games has a pretty big task ahead. Gold/Silver; HeartGold/SoulSilver are still my favourite in the series (yes even more than Red/Blue/Yellow!). I look forward to the next Pokemon game on 3DS!
Best 3DS Game:
Super Mario 3D Land
Mario Kart 7
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Starfox 64 3D
Winner: Super Mario 3D Land
I've never truly been much of a Mario fan. Platformers were somewhat unknown territory for me until recently. I played the original sure and a bit of Super Mario 64 but that's really it. I never played Super Mario World, Super Mario Sunshine or Super Mario Galaxy 1 or 2. But the 3DS library is limited so I figured why not? Boy do I regret saying that. The game is incredible and it shows why the 3DS is a necessary purchase. No other 3DS game that I've played uses the 3D in its design. With overhead levels showing depth of field, it's hard to imagine playing some of the game's stages with 3D off. They integrated it into the level design and so far, it's the only game I play with 3D on. For that reason and of course being an exceptionally superb game, this is easily my choice for best 3DS game this year.
Best Multiplatform Game:
Batman: Arkham City
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Portal 2
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Rayman Origins
Shadows of the Damned
Winner: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
A tough choice given all the great games to come out this year but Skyrim truly is something special. I usually don't care much for open world games but this made me think otherwise. A huge world filled with quests, monsters, dungeons, towns and cities, this is a RPG nerd's best dream! Sure Batman's combat is satisfying, and the humour of Shadows of the Damned and Portal 2 cannot be matched but Skyrim easily takes this category. Game of the Year? We'll see.
Most Anticipated Game of 2012:
Mass Effect 3
The Last Guardian
Xenoblade Chronicles
The Last of Us
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Borderlands 2
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Anarchy Reigns
Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm
Winner: The Last Guardian
While I don't think it will be the best game of 2012 it is the one I would like to see finally completed. Fumito Ueda claims he will finish The Last Guardian even though he has left Sony but that still doesn't make me feel any better. I want to see the boy and griffin finally in my PS3 and showing me why this game is truly deserving to be the successor to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.
A couple of small awards listed here. I'll provide a couple of sentences but to make this shorter I will just list the game.
Best Graphics (Technical): Battlefield 3
Best Graphics (Artistic): The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Most Disappointing Game: Duke Nukem Forever
I don't even have to play the game to know how disappointing this is. All we heard leading up its release this year is that this game is badass. Well great advertising *sarcasm* but it couldn't prevent this game from sucking hard. If there is another Duke Nukem game, he either has to evolve, or die out.
Most Overlooked Game: Shadows of the Damned
Best Music: Shadows of the Damned
Funniest Game: Portal 2
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Batman: Arkham City
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Super Mario 3D Land
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Gears of War 3
Winner: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
I loved every single one of these games and I feel I had great representation from every console here. Skyrim takes it for me because of its world that teems with everything you can possibly ask for in a RPG. Open-ended, filled with quests, huge environment, gear, multiple playthroughs and skills. These are what you need to make a great RPG. Melee combat is somewhat lacking though the finishing kill animations are cool, and the bugs and glitches are a mixed blessing being either funny or aggravating, this is one game that should be experienced. Videos do nothing but show you the world you will be immersing yourself in so the only way to know how great this game is to actually play it. I was somewhat sceptical of the game leading up to launch but I am glad I got to play this greatness. This is my pick for Game of the Year and it is truly deserving.
Well that was a mouthful. Feels good to get it out though. I am considering a career in journalism now since I like writing these stories and giving my opinion. Even if no one reads it, I enjoyed writing this. Here's to hoping gaming in 2012 will be just as good!
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