Snooperman21's forum posts
u live in the OC or Los Angeles of Anaheim:lol:cLAssic_BLUE
I live in the OC, Irvine to be exact. Oh yea btw I just got resistance in the mail today!!
well thanks to great input from the many posts (end sarcarsm) I found the headset I was looking for here:
its pretty but it aint cheap
Hey I just got a PS3 today! :D and am looking for some peeps to play online. Im getting Resistance Fall of man and Fight Night next week. If you live in the OC or Southern California shoot me a buddy invite my ID is KountChocula
Im currently playing Oblivion but ill accept your invites.:D
The thing is I want to use the headset so that I can have the TV volume down. I get home late at night and cant be blasting the TV so thats why I wanted a full headset with the mic.
I already have a pretty sick ass one for my computer but its wired, since the PS3 supports wireless I was hoping to go that route.
Hey I'm getting a PS3 on Saturday and wanted to buy a full headset, not the kind that just covers one ear but the kind that go over both and has a microphone
Any suggestion or comments? Help a soon to be PS3 owner out:D
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