Well, I started the week off in an odd manner. I got food poisoning Sunday morning so that carried over to today. So I'm home sick, giving me a four day weekend. Normally, four day weekends rock. But today is horrible.
But to counter that bit of bad news, I finally got a job at ABB. It should prove amusing. My significent other works there, as well as her dad. She's been there a year, he's been there like, 20+. Big company, does manufacturing for oil rig parts.. cpu's, or motherboards, or something. Anyways, I gave up a job offering there to stay where I was back in January, under teh assumption that when I got hired on that following week I would be geting more of a payraise then $8.50 an hour. Amanda is now making close to $12 an hour. Now, knowing that, wouldn't you be kicking yourself for declining that offer? Plus, they have AC, and we don't. Oklahoma gets fricken hot, then go and work in a chemical plant with no ac and crappy insulation. 110 degrees = 120+ degrees.
But anyways, onto the games..
Me and My Katamari (PSP Rental)
Still fun as hell, but I'm going to be sending it back probably tommarow. I rented it to see if I wanted to buy it or not, and I've decided I want to buy it. It is worth 20-30 bucks. It's one of those games you can just pick up and play for a few hours to pass some time, or when your between games. My new favorite cousin is Mu.
D1 Grand Prix (PS2 Rental)
Still fun as hell, too. I unlocked XTreme mode, and sure it was.. okay.. but not what it was fricken hyped up to be. So next, I continue beating the seasons.
Pokemon Ruby (GBA)
I get it back today. I'm so excited. I haven't played it ALL weekend. I bet my friends think I'm lying now when I say I have a shiny Milotic (none of them have seen a shiny period). But that just gives me another week to level it up from 40 to 70. xD
And finally...
The Warriors (PS2 Borrowed)
I started this game again. I'm only on the third mission. But it's all coming back to me. I loved this game and need to buy it once it drops to $20. I traded my friend this for MC3.
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