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SobearVireal Blog

Odd Beginnings

Well, I started the week off in an odd manner. I got food poisoning Sunday morning so that carried over to today. So I'm home sick, giving me a four day weekend. Normally, four day weekends rock. But today is horrible.

But to counter that bit of bad news, I finally got a job at ABB. It should prove amusing. My significent other works there, as well as her dad. She's been there a year, he's been there like, 20+. Big company, does manufacturing for oil rig parts.. cpu's, or motherboards, or something. Anyways, I gave up a job offering there to stay where I was back in January, under teh assumption that when I got hired on that following week I would be geting more of a payraise then $8.50 an hour. Amanda is now making close to $12 an hour. Now, knowing that, wouldn't you be kicking yourself for declining that offer? Plus, they have AC, and we don't. Oklahoma gets fricken hot, then go and work in a chemical plant with no ac and crappy insulation. 110 degrees = 120+ degrees.

But anyways, onto the games..

Me and My Katamari (PSP Rental)

Still fun as hell, but I'm going to be sending it back probably tommarow. I rented it to see if I wanted to buy it or not, and I've decided I want to buy it. It is worth 20-30 bucks. It's one of those games you can just pick up and play for a few hours to pass some time, or when your between games. My new favorite cousin is Mu.

D1 Grand Prix (PS2 Rental)

Still fun as hell, too. I unlocked XTreme mode, and sure it was.. okay.. but not what it was fricken hyped up to be. So next, I continue beating the seasons.

Pokemon Ruby (GBA)

I get it back today. I'm so excited. I haven't played it ALL weekend. I bet my friends think I'm lying now when I say I have a shiny Milotic (none of them have seen a shiny period). But that just gives me another week to level it up from 40 to 70. xD

And finally...

The Warriors (PS2 Borrowed)

I started this game again. I'm only on the third mission. But it's all coming back to me. I loved this game and need to buy it once it drops to $20. I traded my friend this for MC3.

Comfort Car

My friend bought Dirge of Cerberus today.  I haven't gotten to see it yet, but he said it was bad @ss.  He's coming over to drink a little and share the wealth tommarow night though, so it sould be fun.  And as always, theyre'll probably be a Poke battle or two.  So I have to focus on leveling up tommarow.  He still hasn't gotten to see my shiny Milotic.  I almost crapped myself last weekend when it hatched, but I'm so proud of it.  His brother has Emerald, I have Ruby, and my friend has Sapphire and Leaf Green.  Our OTHER friend has Fire Red.  Call us all a bunch of losers, but if you knock it an haven't played it, you're the lame one  o.o

Me & My Katamari

I feel like I've gotten far, then I go and look at the available islands and what not and see I still have quite a few left.  This game is mad addicting.  My girlfriend played it and didn't like it.  Meh, to each there own.

D1 Grand Prix

I won my first series this morning.  2001 with the APEXi FD.  I didn't actually win a single race, but got second on 3 of them, 16th or 15th in one and 4th in another.  Finished JUST ahead of Ueno.  His Soarer seems to be my rival, so to speak.  The APEXi RX-7 is a masterpiece.  I've tried a dozen or so different cars, and keep finding myself in this one.  Or a slightly modified FD3S.  In every game, it seems to alwasy be the car I find myself most comfortable driving.  Don't know if it's a mental thing, or what.  I Need For Speed Underground 1, I couldn't get past the last few races in anything other then the Fd.

Hello AOL and Gamefly

Well, I'm back online for the first time in a year.  Lots of new crap, lots of new gaming crap.  So we'll cut through the crap, and get straight to the gaming crap.

New Systems

For my birthday this last April I got a PSP and DS.  Yes, both.  My girlfriend loves me a lot.  Games I got with it are Need For Speed : Most Wanted 5-1-0 and Animal Crossing, respectively.  That same day I went out and bought X-Men Legends II on the PSP.

Midnight Club 3 :DUB Edition REMIX

I finally added this game to my collection on my anniversary a month ago in July.  Again, yu know your significant other loves you a lot if they buy you something they know will detract attention from them on such an important day.  Anyways, great game, yadi-yadi.


This last Monday I signed up for Gamefly.  It was either that (2 games at once for $21.95 a month) or buy D1 Grand Prix.  Obvious decision there.  So I rented D1GP and Me and my Katamari on PSP.  Both are incredible games I will go more into as the days pass, but for now, it's time to edit my profile a tad and go to sleep.


Another Crazy Night on the Highways of Japan

Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero

Well, my battle record is 60-7. Decent. I messed up once, pretty bad tonight. I was racing a Silvia S13, and tried brake checking him. xD Yeah, they do it to me all the time, so i figured it was only fair, right? So anyways, yeah, he passes me, and then immediatly afterwards I run into a truck. Doesn't happen often, because I have mad tight street racing skillz y0! xD

I can't decide what car to buy next. Either a Supra for the straights or an Aristo just.. because. >.< I've unlocked that second little bit of highway to the south east. I finished racing all the rivals on the original circuit. And now, I'm working on that new area. Been pretty easy so far.

Playing in the Backyard with the Big Boys

Backyard Football (GBA)

This game surprised me. A lot. I had already played Backyard Baseball 2005, and wasn't that impressed. Perhaps because I like football games more, I dunno. So anyways, I jump straight into the season. I sucked a little at first. Got sacked once, threw a few interceptions, but yet, I never allowed them to score a point the whole game. Oh, and it was on easy. >.>

I won 23-0. I'll probably play this game occasionally here and there from now on. Since the single game I did play was quick. Very good game.

Doom II (GBA)

One of the other ROMs I downloaded. I might buy this one, might not. In all honesty, it moved pretty fast. Perhaps it would run smoother on a GBA, but whatever. It's a classic, so I might buy it anyways. One of the best FPS's in my opinion, tied with Goldeneye.

Other then that, I didn't do a whole lot of gaming, it was mostly posting at DGEmu.

Street Racing is a Crime

Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero (PS2)

For some reason, I can't think if that's the correct title or not. Anyways. I started over. Started with an RX-7 (FC3S). I've only lost 3/20 something battles so far. I've beaten this game twice now. I remember the very first time I played it, it was HARD. I sucked at it. So I loaned it to a "friend" who ended up keeping it for almost a year before I asked for it back. >.> I had read some FAQs online, and it said the Evo III is one of the best starters. So I got it back, and yeah, it is an awesome starter. o.o

Anyways, I've beaten three bosses, and one bigger boss in the first area. Working on Kanjo (sp?) reverse right now.

Need For Speed : Underground (PS2)

And then I popped this in. Started with the Civic. Haha. I hate Civics. I really do. Plus, this guy I can't stand drives one, and he's a ricer, so everytime I play, I eventually have at least one Civic at one point in time riced out. This time, it was yellow, with yellow rims, the ugly second bodykit, and the second wing. xD The wing was black, and it had a black vinyl as well.

I also added retarded decals to the windshields. I hate Jackson Racing, because I'm pretty much anti-supercharger, so they got the front. And Alpine got the back. I hate seeing Audio decals on anything but "show cars", and I hate seeing show cars almost just as much.

Medabots : Rokusho (GBA Emulator)

And I started playing this. i figured I would try the new ones, I had owned the old ones back when it first came out. I'm impressed, because this one, unlike AX, is more of an RPG.

Warriors of a Distant Dynasty

Dynasty Warriors Advance

Okay, the first time I played this game, I almost died. I hated it. But I decided to give it another chance, because someone in some forums asked about it. I sucked hardcore for the longest time. Now, I'm getting decent. With one of the guys in the top of the three regions, I'm on the 4th level. I have this bad ass sword, and if I hit A to dash attack, I kill all archers within range. It's awesome.

I just started with the flute girl. I have some stronger swords, but I wanna stick with the flute, because my other guy has swords. She's really weak, perhaps because of the flute.

I've never really played these games except for now, except for a demo. So I didn't really know what to expect. Overall fun game though.

Star Wars Episode III : Revenge of the Sith (PS2)

So I play missions 5-13. John had told me General Grievus was hard. I beat him first try. >.> Wasn't the hardest dual, but it was a small challenge. I don't remember if I put it on easy or not, so yeah. I told him, and he was like, I hate you. xD

The mission before that was hard, though. >.< With Obi Won running around. I dueled Mace, and he beat me twice, before I figured out a healing glitch. In the second (or third, the first outdoors area), when he tries running ot the right hand side of the screen, run all the way to the left, and you can heal all the way there.

The duel between the two people one after another, THAT was hard. I was getting really frustrated, but the Darth ***s in me came out and I ended up whupping them. Ah yes, my nickname around here at home is ***s. >.> So after me and John watched Episode 3, I became known as Darth ***s. <.<

A Word on Emulation if I May

Now, I'm not pro-emulation, over having the actual game, per-say. But I'm not anit-emulation, either. I feel if the game is worth owning, I'll go out and buy it. Otherwise, I'll play it once or twice, and leave it at that. MAYBE pick it up in the future. But I'm not about to pay 30 bucks for a game that I want to play once. And you can't find GBA games to rent, so yeah.

I say that because I was playing Pokemon Fire Red on my computer the other day, for the past few days. I LOVE this game. Probably THE best Pokemon game to date. And I WILL buy this game, as well. But for now, I'm simply playing it on the computer. The reason I'm getting such a kick out of it is because there's a key to press that speeds everything up. So walking, is no longer a chore. xD

I also played a little bit of Dynasty Warriors. I suck at this game. God, I suck at this game. Perhaps I'll get better, but I've died 4 times now. >.<

My friend bought Advance Wars : DS. My only complaint is that it's zoomed out to far on the map for my taste. Perhaps there's a way to fix it. But other then that, awesome game. About to go rate it now. Got through 4 missions. I played the second one quite a bit on the computer, and enjoyed it much more then the first. It's not as good as FF:TA, but it's good none-the-less.

Meteos, meet Civilization 3


Wow. This game IS addicting. Everyone was right. I want this game so bad now, so I can have it of my own, and what not. I'm playing my friends' copy, but he'll only let me play the non-questlike modes. Understandable, I'd be the same way. So I've played it off and on again for the past 3 hours. I've earned him quite a few Meteos' to Fuse, too. xD Tommarow, I'll come on with some of my score. I do know that on the 100-Meteos challenge, I got a 29'xxx some-odd seconds. I can't complete the 1000-Meteos challenge yet, only got 400-something.

Civilization III

I start on a huge map, second barbarian setting, and small-medium islands. Chieften, one other Civ (the French).

Things were going fabulous. Very fabulous, indeed. I have a huge amount of space due to culture, alone, have colonized 5 or different islands, and am at peace with the French. At 18xxAD, still. Shocking, if you know how I usually play. One thing interesting happened, however. I city by two of mine, a French city, all of the sudden pledged allegiance to me. I was like, WTF?! NO! I don't want war, damn it! But.. nothing bad happened. I just got a free city. >.> So now, I keep hoping it will happen again. xD

Jedi Knights and Morty

Star Wars : Battlefront

Well, I beat the third galactic conquest. It was a B'TCH! The clones suck. I had to use the Clone Trooper most of the time. Occassionaly, depending on the level, I'd use a Sharpshooter. But they kicked my ass twice. So I spent a good two hours just on that. And most of the other battles were so fricken close.

Then I did some of the Clone Wars-Era Historic Battles. Did two, unlocked some art, and called it a day.

Star Wars Episode 3 : Revenge of the Sith (PS2)

I got to the fight with Dooku, and that was HARD! I BARELY won that. My friend John was standing behind me in the doorway, and he said General Grievus is harder. >.<

I dunno how to get better then fair ratings on my attacks, other then finding secrets that make your attacks Masterful. So I'm still dealing with that. I do really like this game though, and will probably continue it.

Pokemon Crystal [Pokedex 40/74]

Yeah, I've seen 4 new ones now that I haven't been able ot catch. Accidently killed a Koffing, and then forgot to go back. Was to busy trying to get my Cleffa a haircut, as well as defeating Morty. Which. Didn't happen. >.> Yeah, he totally caught me off guard with that high-level Gengar. I tore through the rest of them with Meowth and Growlithe. But then he pulled that out and demolished me. >.< So I went down to the haircut saloon thing, and noticed noone was there, saved it and am now waiting for the next day.

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