@fbplayer1064: I agree, not forgetting Valkyrie Profile, Thousand Arms, Alundra,Tales of Destiny(Eternia) and the second Wild Arms.
@mistervulpes: Sorry, english isn't my first language, not used to writing long articles, specially another language.
@socom007: Blaming the guns is the first step to create a new problem and make the real issue even worse.Read my article to understand my point.https://www.minds.com/Lucky_Pal/blog/gun-ownership-on-brazil-and-the-lack-of-rights-880424417487331328
@lostn: Also scary, it means that soon as they finish this, they will be thinking of a episode 10, 11 and 12.
@fan360: I said the same thing once and PC fan boys came to take my head, it's simple logic, it ain't hard to realize something so simple, but some people, like the developer, have difficult to understand how basic economy works.
Sohereiam's comments