I'm hoping at some point the plot expands beyond the four corners of that town and maybe even go to space. Would hate for this to become a community or cop show with aliens.
Personally, his games are one night stands at best.
If you can stomach corny over-abundance of over-saturated sexification (if that's even a word) take my advice rent, play and discard. Save your hard earned $$$ for the worth-while titles or the hookers.
@The_Audiophile @famekiller I play Far Cry 3 on the highest possible graphics and performance settings. I experience neither frame rate issues nor graphic degradation. But I play on a PC.
I always look forward to technological upgrades nonetheless especially those that represent significant step-ups. I wait in anticipation of next-gen.
@Mkeegs79 @Solid_Azeus If you are implying that UFO's and Big Foot are imaginary, be informed that although no evidence exists to support such posits, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. In other words there is neither evidence to the contrary.
Government conspiracies while cliche, have basis in some truths. Conspiracies are interesting and although the notion appears improbable is it not necessarily implausible. My 2cents.
AMD 7990 coming out and Nvidia's next GTX monster soon. When that happens, current high-end becomes mid-range and current mid-range becomes low-end along with this Intel make-do.
Solid_Azeus' comments