haven't really been posting on here, but I felt it was time for an update with all my new toys :> I've been staying away from the mainstream and stickin' to what I know - shmups --------------
New Equipment -------------- recently, I bought myself a decently expensive supergun which is primarily custom made for CP System II (Capcom CPS2) arcade boards, but the JAMMA harness is universal and could run an insane amount of arcade PCBs. it's a dream come true

here's the backend of the gun

as you can see, with composite, component, s-video outputs, on the front with db15 pinouts, audio attenuation switches for speaker setup, additional harness support and so fourth. Great Mahou Daisakusen (Dimahoo) CPS2 board hooked up to my Sony Trinitron

blurry trinitron view

Dimahoo board (with many thanks to the Tokyo based Sophia Corporation for shipping both the A + B motherboards in flawless condition)

armed police batrider korean version B board (extremely pricey and rare lol)

and my final addition which I don't have a picture of yet, but a Progear no Arashi CPS2 conversion.
Shmups Meet -------------- Didn't provide an update last month, but I made it out to the Chicagoland Shmups Meet and met a bunch of guys (some of the top players from the US and Canada) that I chat with on the shmups forums.

I'm pictured far right in white (lol)

It was hidden in the back of a hardware store in Chicago and not available/closed off to the general public. Over 40 arcade boards were brought to be played on the candy cabinets and supergun setups. very exciting and fun. --------------
Gnarly -------------- and lastly, check out my pinky finger from my skateboard wipe a few days ago. (warning: do not click if you don't want to see a missing fingernail) [spoiler]

[/spoiler] looks like I won't be playing in a few men's league hockey games for a bit..
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