Some-Mist Blog
d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d DODONPACHI
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Long Update
by Some-Mist on Comments
It's been awhile since I've put up a blog post, so I figured I'd do an update with my gaming:
Lately I've been buying a whole bunch of crap that I don't need, but I've been having fun with it!
I bought myself a HRAP VX-SA Arcade Stick
Seimitsu LS-56-01 Stick that I'm going to put into it with the Seimitsu MS mounting plate
I bought a Sega Saturn with a Action Replay 4M Auto Plus so that I can play this game that I bought
I've play a bit of it on MAME, but I want to play a legitimate version. It's said to be the best shmup of all time, programmed by Yagawa formerly of 8ing/raizing and now Cave Co., Ltd, and one of the first bullet hell shmups released on consoles.
I bought Tetris: The Grand Master Ace for 360 as I've been looking to try out the TGM series, even though this title (the only console installment) removes a lot of what makes the TGM series so awesome.
I took a month or two break away from gaming, and now I've come back just as strong.
I've been sinking a lot of time into Akai Katana Shin, Quake Live, and TFC again.
I beat Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (as part of the MGS Collection) and I was surprised as how much I liked this game. It was much easier than previous installments and it was my first PSP title that I've played, but the story was surprisingly good.
I beat Catherine (PS3) and found this much more enjoyable than the demo. The social scenes I found kind of *meh*-worthy, but the puzzle aspect racked my brain and was a lot of fun.
I beat Ikenie No Yoru (Night of the Sacrifice) and this was another game that surprised the hell out of me. I would personally throw it in my top 3 survival horror games this generation (along with amnesia: the dark descent and condemned: criminal origins). It scared the **** out of me! The only downside is that I can't read japanese so I had to look up online what the jist of the story was.
I am now playing Xenoblade Chronicles and I'm having a blast with that as well. It's been quite a bit since I've played any RPGs, but this was a good title to pickup. It's somewhat easy for an RPG, but there are also parts that are somewhat difficult. I'm still very early into the game, but so far it's been promising.
There's quite a few upcoming games that I'm extremely excited about. Below you'll find the ones that interest me the most:
Binary Domain
Dragon's Crown
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Lollipop Chainsaw
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Aliens: Colonial Marines
The Last Story
Rhythm Heaven Fever
The Last Guardian
Mass Effect 3
Alan Wake: American Nightmare
Probably will be another couple months before my next update, but if you read any of this.. Thanks!
aww yeah! (new games)
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new update
by Some-Mist on Comments
the dream machine has a new trailer out showcasing some of the chapter 3 levels. my anticipation for the 3rd chapter is through the roof!
just built myself a new desktop last weekend, some of the specs are: 6 core 3.2 ghz processor, radeon 6850 1GB 256-bit card, 8 GB ripsaw ram, and so fourth. have deus ex: human revolution, starcraft 2, the witcher 2, doom 3/RoE, stalker: shadow of chernobyl, amnesia: the dark descent. deus ex, planescape: torment: system shock 2, TFC, CS 1.6, CS:S, the ship, TF2, amnesia: the dark descent installed. Most of them I've played before, but I wanna play all of those either again or for the first time.
been playing deus ex: human revolution for the most part.
so far it's been hit or miss for me. I was actually insanely hooked after the game started to open up. The different ways to tackle each situation is the best. It's by far my favorite part of the game. It's how I wished games like ME were. It gives the appearance that there's more freedom even though the cities are a bit small.I just arrived at Montreal and got myself into a sticky situation there before I logged off for the night. The one boss fight I did was fun. The side/fetchquests although interesting - aren't really that fun for me. I'm starting to get bored with the game despite unlocking new abilities like falling from any distance, typhoon, stealth, and so-fourth. The story seems to be getting weaker the further I get.
the combat mechanics are nothing to write home about. I know it's a more mainstream game, but I wish you had to input commands such as the CQC abilities in MGS. You hit or hold one button in Deus ex: HR and the CGI takes over. After seeing most of the stealth/cqc attacks a couple of times, it gets pretty meh-worthy. I'd like to have to have like a 3 button input with a joystick maneuver - not necessarily a quick-time, but something in real-time to execute these stealth abilities. I feel like I don't even get to execute these..
the shooting mechanics are kind of bland. I wish it had the snap/smoothness/tightness of ME2. who knows, we'll see how I feel by the time I finish the game. I'd imagine I'm 50% the way through it by now.
from what I played, I'd personally rate it somewhere between 7.0-8.0.
been looking to snag both xenoblade and ikenie no yoru for the Wii. been also looking to snag metroid prime 3: corruption.
Shadows of the Damned and some other games
by Some-Mist on Comments
Shadows of the Damned was incredible fun. I should just leave it at that but I have quite a bit to say about the game. It plays like resident evil 4, which similar sanity mechanics that are used in eternal darkness/amnesia. The humor is reminiscent of Goichi Suda's No More Heroes games. SotD is corny, yet it knows it's corny and it prresents itself with a serious spin. Characters such as Garcia and Johnson have the most outrageous comments but say it in such a serious tone that you can't help but laugh.
some examples of the humor used:
the three difficulty levels are labeled
legion hunter
demon hunter
lemon hunter
there's a creature which is basically an eye with wings that flies into the air and takes a dump to mark your progress
it's called a "one eyed william".
garcia: how did you know you have to shoot a goat to illuminate the area?
johnson: how did you not know? some demon hunter you are...
garcia: well, just let me know if I have to f*** a horse to open a door
when I shed some light on a new area we saw zombies eating other zombies, johnson says: themselves, it's whats for dinner
the game isn't scary perse, but you shouldn't expect it to be. On the other hand, it is consistently intense/suspenseful. Theres a variety of enemies throughout the game, but typically after a new mob is introduced, you will see it among the other ones through out the rest of the game.
Now there are some issues I've had with the game as well. Some audio issues such as in chapter 4's big boner act. In the third phase, very loud static began and last for the remainder of that specific phase.
some times the ammunition would bug and be unable to pick up even though my weapon capacity wasn't anywhere near full.
in act 4-5 I was floating above the gorge near the intro. I wanted to see how far I could go, but I fell off the map indefinitely:
when I was playing through this portion (the ammo bug occured) and no enemies spawned. after I quit the game and reloaded it (after falling off the map) a whole bunch of enemies spawned that weren't present during my bugged session and now I could pickup the ammo.
regardless of those very minor issues, the game was incredible and is definitely among my top 3 of this year.
time to finally beat killer 7 (I'm on disc 2 on target 5) and then I will either beat legend of zelda twilight princess, or start project number 03 (p.n. 03).
back log is still huge, with many games waiting to be played - eternal darkness: sanity's requiem, viewtiful joe, jade empire, metal gear solid: twin snakes, legend of zelda collectors edition (for majoras mask and ocarina of time), and so on.
Just bought a few games
by Some-Mist on Comments
been looking to snag even more games once I get the money to, but for the time being I snagged eternal darkness: sanity's requiem, p.n.03, and jade empire.
I'm hoping to find all 3 quite enjoyable.
I still plan on picking up the metroid prime trilogy, killer 7, grim grimoire, no more heroes 2, and the legend of zelda: collectors edition.
my backlog will be getting big once again. At the moment I'm playing through L.A. Noire, Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Indigo Prophecy. All 3 experiences thus far have been quite enjoyable. Also have been competing for a top 50 spot in Akai Katana (arcade mode) for the past few weeks. game is incredible.
In other news, e3 has me interested in a few new games -dragon's crown (PS3) - being one of them. I'm a HUGE vanillaware fan and this new game announcement was excellent news. It was announced a little before e3 that el shaddai's release date is July 26, 2011. I'm also excited to replay both ZOE games in HD.
I've been trying to get into Studio Ghibli work as of late, and watched Ponyo. I was a bit weirded out but it was enjoyable and a great first movie to watch. Now I've got a backlog of their movies to watch.
I watched before the devil knows you're dead and found myself quite surprised by the movie. I'm a big philip seymour hoffman fan so the movie was a must-watch. I couldn't help but think about the movie "fargo" while watching before the devil knows you're dead, but it did enough on it's own to warrant 2 thumbs up from myself.
Also saw the "tree of life" downtown and have to say that I haven't seen anything like it. 3/4 of the movie is about Bradd Pitt and his fictional wife raising Sean Penn. Sean Penn's character quickly losing his innocence, but once he's old enough, he looks back on the instilled morals and life lessons that his dad (Bradd Pitt) taught him. The other 1/4 of the movie was a weird documentary-esque portion covering everything from prehistoric times to the present, from a molecular to a galactic level. It was mostly sounds and music mixed with crazy cinemetography of volcanoes, galaxies, ocean life, and even dinosaurs (lol). It went along with the film perfectly and gave the film quite a unique thought-provoking feeling of wonder.
In other news, Win Win can be found if you know where to look. It was easily my favorite movie of the year (thus far) starring Paul Giamatti and Jeffery Tambor among many other actors. It's quite a funny yet sad movie and currently has a 96% on rotten tomatoes.
The Book "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" (an excellent 500 page children's book which is worth the read) is being adapted into a film by Scorcese and Von Trier with actors such as Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Sasha Baron Cohen. It's basically about an orphan boy who finds an automaton which he thinks his father programmed to leave him a message.
The book "Devil in the White City" is also being remade into a movie (another excellent book) starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the hotel owner. It's based on true events at the time of the World's Fair in Chicago, about a hotel owner that killed his guests.
Been reading "The Plague" by Albert Camus which is a fictional story based on a town that gets hit with something similar to that of the bubonic plague. In the story is roughly 26 characters and an unknown narrator that is revealed near the end of the book when nearly every person but 6 die.
My next book will be "Sanctuary" By William Faulkner as I'm a huge William Faulker fan (I just recently finished the sound and the fury before I started the plague).
for personal news..I just got myself an interview for an HR position next Thursday, and my men's league hockey team tied the 2nd to last game, and won the last game. Next game is on tuesday!
wednesday I will be seeing bill burr, dave attell, jim breuer, and jim norton at the chicago theater!
I'm going to have a full week next week.
hells yeah!
The latest update regarding recent gaming/personal news
by Some-Mist on Comments
new information regarding radiant silvergun has been posted in a recent siliconera post:Treasure and Microsoft are bringing one of the rarest Sega Saturn games to Xbox 360. Treasure added anime cutscenes and a storyline to Radiant Silvergun for consoles. The original arcade game didn't have dialogue.
The Xbox 360 release will include both versions – arcade and Sega Saturn. Earlier, the ESRB leaked the news that the Sega Saturn cutscenes would be included in Radiant Silvergun on Xbox 360.
Famitsu also notes Radiant Silvergun will cost 1,200 Microsoft Points ($15), but the magazine does not specify a release date, just a vague 2011.siliconera
The latest news from Cave Co, Ltd. has been that a new PCB will be available for their first Mushihime-sama game - Mushihime-sama Matsuri Ver. 1.5. Hopefully a home console port announcement will soon follow this which I would hope would be bundled with the original mushihime-sama.
The recently released promo trailer for Mushihime-sama Matsuri Ver. 1.5 can be seen here
Otomedius Excellent gets a North American Collectors Edition priced at $50 (according to gamestop) but none of the collectors edition details have been revealed (as in what is included besides the game). The release date on their site is posted at July 19th, 2011.
I recently had the urge to play killzone 3 again since I got within the last 30 minutes or so from the ending my first playthrough when my PS3 80GB decided to YLOD. My first step in playing through it on my new PS3 Slim was opening up the PS3, and disassembling the entire Blu-Ray drive in order to get the disc out. The process took me roughly an hour to take apart and put back together. Now I have the disc and have been playing through it again (single player from the beginning) and it's mediocre just like I remembered it. However, I do want to beat the game and put the trophies back on my PSN account.
Been messing around with my Scan-Line Generator 3000 to produce some pretty awesome results on my CRT Arcade setup, and have been considering modding a SPST (on/off) switch on the two screw terminals, but I figure that can be a later project given that I'm pretty busy at the moment. These are the results I've gotten so far:
as you can see, I have the DIP settings set for thick scan-lines, but they aren't as visible as they are in these off screen grabs which were taken centimeters away from my CRT monitor.
Lastly, now that I've graduated with a bachelor's degree, I've been spending most of my time applying, reading, playing pickup game (rat hockey) ice hockey, and playing videogames. For the past 3 weeks I've been conditioning with my old hockey equipment, and I was actually just asked today to play for a men's league hockey team. My first game is sunday so I'm excited seeing as I've taken a 4 year break since I last played travel hockey. Wish me luck fellas!
The El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron demo is everything I hoped for
by Some-Mist on Comments
the El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron demo is everything I hoped it would be. Beautiful, difficult but not cheap, great combat, clean no-hud interface, killer platforming and an overall awesome package. It's the game I've been hyping since e3 2010 and I think I'm going to get exactly what I wanted. The sloppy offscreen grabs I took aren't nearly as impressive as seeing the game in motion:
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