[QUOTE="SomeRussianDude"][QUOTE="commonfate"]all I see ver there is shepf**that you?commonfate How did you guess?ha that's noboxlvie.you gonna get banedhehebye bye **** you. :P Oh well.
[QUOTE="SomeRussianDude"][QUOTE="commonfate"]how do yu know TDH?suc low lvlcommonfate But.... ...i read all your post on TDH. In fact i replied. ..problem? :Pall I see ver there is shepf**that you? How did you guess?
[QUOTE="SomeRussianDude"][QUOTE="commonfate"]* to the tdhmobilecommonfate I opened the bookmark!how do yu know TDH?suc low lvl But.... ...i read all your post on TDH. In fact i replied. ..problem? :P
[QUOTE="SomeRussianDude"]Yeah, inbeetween "why are people insulting me randomly on TDH" and "hey its Saturday" ok. Good balance.commonfate* to the tdhmobile I opened the bookmark!
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