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Renegade Review: Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

"And the Grammy goes to.........."The Suburbs", Arcade Fire!"

This was the fueling power I needed to check out this album. I expected heart-pounding. I expected awesome lyrics and powerful chords! I expected.......not to fall asleep. Here is the review of Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs".

From the beginning of this album, you hear a nice little jingle in "The Suburbs". Yes, this is the name of the song. It sounds like a nice little song, and so maybe you finish it. Then you turn to the next track, "Ready to Start", which is supposed to be Arcade Fire's first single off this album. A creepy vibe to start it off, then an indie sound you would only hear from iTunes' artist that are "on the rise". And yeah, that is exactly what this album sound like. An album that iTunes would promote the hell out of if given the chance. And once you've heard the first verse and chorus of "Ready to Start", you've basically heard the entire song. This is the problem with Arcade Fire, EVERY song off this album gives you it's entire song within the first verse and chorus. Not once does it change tempo, change melody, change chord progression, nothing. It's the same beat and chord progression throughout the entire song. Then we go to "Modern Man", which sounds like something Modest Mouse would write. Already, the drum beat sounds like a beat is missing when drumming, which throws me off the beat and enjoying the song. AGAIN, this song gives you the entire song within it's first verse and chorus. Nothing changes. Then it's off to "Rococo", where apparantly, they like to tell us that Harlom kids sing "Rococo-cola" all day long while the music sounds like you should be on an acid trip. I would review the entire album, but right now, i'm cuddled up in a blanket and switching to interesting music like Pantera and Green Day.

Sonic Says: Overall, this album IMO should NOT have won "Album of the Year" at the Grammys. And after watching the clip where they won and then "wanted to perform another song", I truly think the Grammys GAVE them the award, just so they could let Win Butler give the final word by saying "Everyone, please leave to this song". What a joke. I have no problem though. This band will be like every other band who's won "Best New Artist" at the Grammys - They win and never return to the mainstream, which is fine by me.

Overall: Arcade Fire - "The Suburbs" gets 2 "shove this award up your candy canadian asses" out of 5.

I tried to be the nice guy, but...

I'm done being the guy who stands up for cheap anime here in America. If you want to pirate, go ahead. If you want to download fansubs, go ahead. If you want to get everything for free because you're poor, go ahead. And when everyone goes out of business here in America, that's when i'm done buying anime as well. Because i'm not importing 100 dollar DVD's from Japan. I will continue to support Funimation and any other American company, but i'm done being the guy who tries to change for the greater good. America is too damn impatient and too damn SELFISH!

The Indian Kid - Trailer

This was a three page script I had to write for Theater Appreciation class.

*A long time ago...approximately 43 minutes ago, a little boy by the name of chuck wun doo was introduced as the new kid of Sakuragaku High School.*

Rose: Who are you?

Chuck Wun Doo: I'm Batman, but honestly I'm the new Indian kid. You can call me Chuck.

*He wasn't liked by anyone…*

Chris: Hey kid, I hear you like getting pushed around by the white man!

Chuck: No, that's my Dad.

*Not even the teachers…*

Chuck: That teacher gave me an F. I bet she be hatin on me cause I'm brown and stuff.

*But that was until one day, when the only friends he ever made, Rose and Chris…*

Chris/Rose: That's us.

*Found out a secret that no one ever saw coming…*

Chuck: I'm Indian.

Rose/Chuck: *gasp*

Chuck: Oh, and I come from a different planet where Lady Gaga is the Queen of the world and I'm cousins with Edward James Olmos.

Chuck: Well, that's a relief.

Rose: Yeah, you almost had us there.

*crappy inspirational music plays*

*Now, he and his friends must go on an adventure*

Rose: There's porcupine urine in this tea!

Chuck: I know where you got that from, Chris.

Chris: Your sister, I know.

*Full of magic…*

Rose: I'm starting to fall in love with you, Chuck Wun Doo.

Chuck: Oh….really?

Rose: Do you love me?

Chuck: Let me check…*checks his facebook profile that says Chuck is "single"* Yes, I do.


Chuck: I must fight the evil lord Zulu alone!

Rose: You won't make it, Chuck. You'll never make it! Never make it! Never, never, never make it! NEVER make it! Can't you see, you can't make it!

Chuck: I implore you to reconsider.

Rose: Hmm…OK!

*And the widest variety of characters that Hollywood has never seen before…*

Chuck: So let me get this straight…you expect me to believe that Sarah Palin was once a right hand woman *giggles* for a presidential candidate, and that we voted in a black man because he's black?!

Chris: Yeah…

Chuck: Makes sense to me.

*Starring George Clooney, Leonardo Dicaprio and the great Eskimo actor, Jennifer Love Hewitt…*

Chuck: How much is this puppy worth?

Rose: 50,000 yen.

Chuck: That's two dollars, right?

Rose: That's 596 dollars and 49 cents.

Chuck: Wait, why are you going by Japanese currency? Aren't we in New York?

Rose: We're in Chinatown.

Chuck: Then shouldn't we be going by Yuan?

Rose: Your MOM should be going by Yuan!

Chuck: But she's not tired.

*By the way, I'm Darth Vader and I've been narrating this pitiful movie trailer*

Chuck: Hey, cuz!

*This summer…George Clooney is…*


*The Indian Kid…Directed by Michael Bay, so expect awesome special effects.*

Top Sixty Green Day Songs Of All Time: The Final Act

It's been awesome to do this list. Now.......LET'S FINISH THIS!

10. The One I Want (

The first of five off the 1039/SOSH Album, The One I Want is a reminder of what I could have if I just ask the girl I like, out!

9. Only Of You (

This song has a line that expresses my love life exactly - "I know that we're only friends, I hope this feeling never ends. If I could only hold you, it's the only thing I wanna do".

8. 409 In Your Coffeemaker (

This song makes #8 because it has become one of the most addictive songs I've ever heard. It's just a song that when I hear it, I sit through the entire thing. The song will not let me skip it.

7. Disappearing Boy (

A song about not fitting in and having everything not go your way, this song hits home to me. I've been through everything this song says, and something those memories come back to haunt me.

6. Why Do You Want Him (

(PLEASE correct me if i'm wrong here, C-Lee) Not only was this the first song Billie Joe ever wrote, this song also hits me as well. Watching a girl fall apart due to her breaking relationship, this song helps me remember all those girls that went through the same thing.


5. Letterbomb (

This song has to be one of, if not, my favorite song off the American Idiot album. With such pump up chords and licks, it's no wonder that Billie Joe even calls this song "his favorite off the album" as well. This one goes out to you, Lee!

4. Uptight (

This song is another one of those "can't skip no matter what" songs. Make what you will of it, but this song has to be one of the best songs off the Nimrod album. Something so simple, yet so brilliant.

3. Welcome To Paradise (

Ok, if you say this song never got you pumped up when you heard up, you are lying up your ASS! This song is the ultimate "Let's get em!" song, even though it's about trying to leave a broken town.

2. East Jesus Nowhere (

The arrival of religous, and power punk, Green Day. With a powerful message in the lyrics and hardcore guitar hitting, it's a damn shame this wasn't a big hit for them. But since we're one away from my favorite song, you get a Rock Band version of the song. Enjoy!

And now....

SonicRenegade84's favorite Green Day song of ALL TIME!

1. Who Wrote Holden Caulfield (

Album? Kerplunk. Single? No, and again it's a damn shame (I know this was during the indie era, but still this could've been one of their greatest hits!). Even though it's about the character Holden Caulfield from Catcher In The Rye (A book I STILL HATE to this day), this explains every person who's planned to do something but never did it. I love this song, and I fanboy'd big time when they played this in Dallas in August.

Well, there you have it. Sixty of my favorite Green Day songs of all time. See you next time, buds!

Renegade Review: The Summer 2010 Anime Catalog

Well, it was that time to come and go and now here are some reviews that might bring you back to some good ol' anime memories.....if you keep up with new stuff.

Note: All of these are mixed in between seeing one episode, half the show and seeing all of it.

Ookamisan to Shichinin no Nakamatachi

Sonic Says: This show was kind of bland whenI saw it. Mostly because I think I was half asleep. Anyways, this show is about a girl who.....fights crime?.....with the help of her boxing kitty gloves. Though that doesn't help the show much when the jokes are stale, the fighting has been overdone, and nothing new is brough to the table.

Ookami-san gets 2 KO's out of 5


Sonic Says: -_- OMG, this show. Honestly, unless you like chipmunk girls making their teacher crawl into a fetal position, this show is not for you. And I don't mean that in a joking way. This show is a downright awful way to get jokes. By making everything that comes out of three sisters' mouths sound wrong, this is how they expect you to get laughs, and i'm not buying it.

Mitsudomoe gets 1 nuteater out of 5.

Seitokai Yakuindomo

Sonic Says: This was a total disappoint. What I thought was going to be a simple love comedy about a guy going into an all-girls school and meeting that special girl, turned out to be a comedy that uses penis jokes to get everywhere. And I mean, EVERYWHERE. Where was the fun in using a banana covered in chocolate as a penis How is it funny to try and film a sex tape? I don't get it, and hopefully, neither do you.

Seitokai Yakuindomo gets 2 "I can't remember what happened in this show" out of 5

High School of the Dead

Sonic Says: This anime made me cry. Not because somebody died, but because a storyline died to make room for fanservice! If this anime was supposed to be like a Paul Rodriguez movie, then it should've been that way from the start, not in the middle of the show when you have me all the way into it, then you can't remember that I hate ecchi/fanservice. This show has some good ol' fashioned violence, but it ruined me with the trade-in of storyline. Better luck next time, Madhouse.

HOTD gets 3 zombie kills out of 5.

Occult Academy

Sonic Says: For someone who hates the academy, she sure loves to run it. This show concides of a daughter who plans to take over her father's school, the Academy. Only problem is, she has to fight evil spirits along the way. I have yet to give this show a full chance, so honestly, this show shouldn't be reviewed, but thanks to me giving this review anyway, it's getting a lucky break.

Occult Academy gets 3 Mio voice actresses out of 5.

See you in the Fall!

Top Sixty GD Songs of All Time! Part V

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They sometimes DO walk a lonely road...

TOP 20:

#20 -- Tight Wad Hill (

What can I say? It's fast, it's loud, it's fun. One of the few songs off of Insomniac I love (not like, love)

#19 -- Dry Ice (

One of the songs off of 1039/SOSH that really caught my attention. Not only is it awesome to sing third part harmony to XD, but it has one of the coolest solos Billie Joe has ever done. A song showing the true talent of a, then, up-and-coming band.

#18 -- I Want To Be Alone (

Again, one of the songs off 1039/SOSH that caught my attention. Right from the get-go, Billie Joe shows off a riff that sounds like itcould've been written byIron ****ing Maiden. Not to mention, it's topped off with another amazing solo.

#17 -- F.O.D (

This song hits me hard. With it being about someone whom you've always wanted to tell off and break thier ****ing neck, this song has gone out, from me, to about 100 people since I heard this song. It's one I dedicate to over and over again ;)

#16 -- 1000 Hours (

Again, what can I say? Catchy verses, catchy chorus, the whole nine yards. It's a song that not only I wish I could share with a girl, but it's one that is in my "alone and depressed" box XD.

#15 -- She (

With this being one of my favorites off of Dookie, it's a song that I love to play on the guitar all the time. Not to mention it's a song my family requests from me all the time XD. Thing is, I know alot of girls that are like "She".

#14 -- Prosthetic Head (

With this song being something that I swear to this day Pizza Hut used in one of thier commercials, it's a great sendoff to Nimrod and a great song on it's own.

#13 -- Christie Road (

With this being about returning to the street that you had all your best memories on, this song hits me as well. Just because it reminds me of Holly St, the street I grew up on.

#12 -- Holiday (

The return of hardcore Green Day. With this not only being a song about realizing what's going on in the political world, it's a wake up call to all the people who take our soldiers for granted. A great song, both as entertainment and a message.

#11 -- Haushinka ( (Start at 2:13)

Oh my god, this song. What doesn't come with this once in a lifetime offer? Amazing guitar riffs, amazing baselines, amazing drumming from Tre ****ing Cool, catchy choruses, you name it. It's surely a pump up song, that's for sure.


Top SIXTY Green Day Songs Of All Time! Part Cuatro!

Just awesome. Now let's get to it!

#30 -- Jinx (

This listing thing is starting to get irritating, but....anything for Green Day :lol:. Anyways, a few simple chords made into a goldmine is what you have here. Hard-hitting punk rock. Not to mention a laughable screech from Tre Cool at the beginning. The song cuts off at 2:13.

#29 -- American Eulogy (

Excellent use of Pop Punk, but it's pulled off just right. Not to mention a catchy chorus during "Modern World".

#28 -- Basket Case (

I bet you were looking for this one. XD Well have no fear, because it's here. Yes, if it wasn't Longview that busted GD's popularity to sky-rocket status during the 90's, it was Basket Case. Have fun with this ;)

#27 -- Armatage Shanks (

A badass drum beat, followed by awesome riffs. It's too awesome not to be on here.

#26 -- Green Day (

It's time for at least one song from 1039/SOSH to be in the top 30. Too bad others are going to be higher O.O. Whoops.

#25 -- No Pride (

A song that they played acousticly at both shows I went to, it's a song I never get bored with. I still need to learn how to play it too :lol:.

#24 -- Paper Lanterns (

A song that hits me right in the heart. A song about wanting a girl that you don't think you can have, but you at least want to know if she likes you or not.

#23 -- The Judge's Daughter (

Another song about girl troubles. Thus it goes on the list XP.

#22 -- One Of My Lies (

Just a great song in general. But if you must know, I love the catchy verses XD.

#21 -- Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) (

If this song hadn't been a hit for them, I swear to god, I would not be a Green Day fan today. I heard this song back in early '99 and I never got to know who sang it until about 2002. This is also the first GD song I learned on guitar. Why it didn't make it into the Top 20, well, the actual Top 20 are just that much more powerful to me.


NOTE: Yes, I did screw up the list. This is the correct list!

Top SIXTY Green Day Songs Of All Time! Part 3!

I'm going to skip the picture since I coudln't find an epic picture in time. HERE WE GO!

#40 -- Deadbeat Holiday (

A catchy song that's about being on holiday in the life of nowhere. What a great time...

#39 -- Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (

This song was the reason I got into Green Day in the first place (once I found out who they were). The outcome of being on "Holiday", three people try to find a way home while searching themselves for answers to problems. A great song.

#38 -- Going to Pasalacqua (

Another great song off the "1039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours" album, this one's about running away to a paradise of your own.

#37 -- One For The Razorbacks (

Off the Kerplunk album, this one has some great medleys that are very catchy. Plus I love doing third part harmony during the chorus :P.

#36 -- Words I Might Have Ate (

This song is a great acoustic song that is easy to play. Plus it's kind of magical during a show :).

#35 -- Knowledge (

Already on the first album, Green Day decides to do a cover. And boy, do they do it badass.

#34 -- In the End (

A song about hanging out with someone you know is bad news and turning away before it was too late. It wasn't until recently that this song became relevant to me.

#33 -- Strangeland (

Just a true punk song at it's finest.

#32 -- Best Thing in Town (

Another true punk song done right.

#31 -- Sweet Children (

Named after thier former band name, this song just has everything there is to a punk song. Catchy verses, a powerful chorus, you name it.

#30-21 coming soon!

Top Te-SIXTY Green Day Songs Of All Time! (Part 2)

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Now, let's commence with #50 - #41!

#50 -- Stuart and the Ave. (

It's a song about knowing what you wanted to do in life and now you have no idea where it's going. Alot of people I know deal with this sort of thing, which is what makes this song awesome!

#49 -- Brain Stew (

With a riff that has been passed down from generation to generation, this song makes a great hangbang song. Plus with the combined punk effort from "Jaded", the song after Brain Stew, it makes this one of Green Day's greatest hits.

#48 -- Wake Me Up When September Ends (

How does one make a song about rememebering when your dad died and put it out as a hit? Only Billie Joe knows as this song comes out to be one that many new fans enjoy. Plus, with this song being my mom's favorite :P, it had to be on the list.

#47 -- Road To Acceptance (

This song hits me hard considering it's about being accepted for who you are. I never got to have that privilage so for me, it's about wanting what you can't have. NOTE: I could not find the studio version on youtube anywhere, so instead, you get a live version! Whoopie do!

#46 -- Scattered (

Remember rememberingyour old girlfriend/boyfriend with pictures of them? Yeah, i've yet to know that feeling. Anyways, this song has a crazy opening riff, which is possibly why I like it so much.

#45 -- Longview (

THE song that put Green Day on the map of mainstream, an awesome bassline, great guitar riff, and a "positive" message toward teenage boys and girls, this song could be the greatest thing to ever come across mankind.

#44 -- At The Library (

The first song on the "1039/Smooth" EP, this song shows Billie Joe's guitar skills while at the same time, this song just goes to show you how far this band has come.

#43 -- 86 (

With this song being about being kicked out of the local punk scene, Billie Joe shares his experinces while at the same time, I finally understand what this song is about! :P

#42 -- American Idiot (

The title track to the album that brought them back to life in the mainstream, Green Day describes the lies that are spread around the world of the media and television, also, the american dream. This is also, in fact, the song that brought me into the world of Green Day.

#41 -- Jesus Of Suburbia (

With this being the longest song of Green Day's history (9:08 ), this song tells the story of a false prophet. Kind of reminds you of a religion's view on chrisianity, doesn't it? ;). Not to mention that the song's final sequence is one of my favorite riffs.

#40 - #31 coming soon!

Top Te-- SIXTY Green Day Songs Of All Time (Part 1)

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I decided to make a setlist of the greatest Green Day songs chosen my Mr. Renegade himself. So if you're a Green Day fan, sit back and enjoy the cream of the crop. If not, well, hopefully these songs will convert you into believers XD.

#60 -- Macy's Day Parade (

This song is the beginning of political Green Day, in which the song hints at some of the stuff wrong with the country. Really, it's a laid back song so it's easy to start this list off with.

#59 -- Hitchin' A Ride (

With it's heavy rock sound, it's a song that anyone can just start to headbang to. Even though it's about.....well....hitching a ride XP.

#58 -- Lights Out (

An exclusive track off ofthe "21st Century Breakdown" album(even though I found it on frostwire XD), it's a great track to enjoy. With it's simple melody and it's great drum beat, it's a shame this didn't make the album.

#57 -- Emenius Sleepus (

A song about reuniting with your childhood friend and realizing he's a total douchebag, it's a great song for people with that experience.

#56 -- Fashion Victim (

This one was one thatI found hard to put in this list, but somehow, with it's simple guitar rhythm and catchy verses, it found a way in.

#55 -- Blood Sex and Booze (

Another song off the "Warning" album, it's one that caught me off guard with it's edgy tune. One that should've also been a single off this album, but instead, was chipped off by.......Macy's Day Parade -_-.

#54 -- Jackass (

A third straight song off the "Warning" album, it's a song that took a while for me to find out about. But again, with it's catchy verses, and a great chord pattern, it's one that's a golden mine in itself. Plus it's about a lover of yours who turns into a.......jackass :D. Did I also mention a great saxaphone solo? That's Green Day for ya!

#53 -- When I Come Around (

One of the many songs off the "Dookie" album that put Green Day on the map. It's divert message is one that relates to many fans, when it's also a song that's catchy in it's own way.

#52 -- See The Light (

The ending to the "21st Century Breakdown" album that's also one of the greatest endings that......just does not make sense to me. With it being about wanting to see the good in the world with all the corruption of it infront of you, it just doesn't fit with the album. Oh wait, yes it does. XD.

#51 -- 16 (

Going ALL the way back to the "1039/Smooth" EP, this song is one about going back to the age of 16. Personally, for me, it sucked balls but to was about making punk history.

#50-#41 coming soon!

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