xbone is such a pos and most the crap doesn't even work. haha
At least it's not as bad as the PS4's Twitch app /hurl
Gonna have to do better than that lems,cuz you don't even have the feature to stream games lol.
That's ok, I'd rather wait for something that going to work well rather than get something that was shoehorned in and works like shit, like the PS4's Twitch App and barely functional voice commands.
How do you know its going to work? PS4 has an ARM CPU and 2 GB of GDDR3 just for it, what does xbone have?
Twitch works very well.And if you think PS4 voice is barely functional you're saying the same for xbone since they are both the same according to DF.
Twitch on the PS4 works like shit, if you want to delude yourself into thinking otherwise than thats fine but there's a reason why most people streaming PS4 prefer to use their capture devices.
There are literally dozens of instances of the Kinect working flawlessly so you have no leg to stand on, the PS4's voice commands were shoe horned in and work like shit, even on Gamespots twitch stream they were terrible
Seriously you can't be this retarded
BS from a hurt lem. Go cry in a corner
Typical cow response, lack any intelligent retort, scream BS and use internet lingo.
Have fun deep throating Sony, maybe if you're nice they can shoe horn a piss poor Skype knock off, afterall Sony excels in copying and making poor imitations.
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