Uh oh..we're not on metacritics...dumb ass
SonofK's forum posts
could care less who suicides for a GS score. i don't know if you watched Xbone live GS's stream yesterday but lets just say even them didn't want to play this POS
I've already seen several Twitch streams, the game doesn't have nearly as many Qte's as you dumbass cows are making it out to be. Considering how much cows loved games like Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Beyond 2 Souls you'd think they'd appreciate another game that's more like an interactive movie.
5-6/10 confirmed
I guess after Forza getting a 9 that's the best cows can hope for, would still be better than Knack at least.
Its Ryse. Hope isn't something known to a 'spam X to win' game.
I hope it doesn't match or outscore Killzone, I'd hate to see the entire cow population put on suicide watch.
Anyway, I'm sure Uncharted will probably be AAAE, Order 1866 looks like it has some potential as well.
5-6/10 confirmed
I guess after Forza getting a 9 that's the best cows can hope for, would still be better than Knack at least.
Tormentos takes longer to calm down, and runs hotter in the head when Forza gets AAAE.
@Wasdie: Well you can't really blame lemmings..they've been on full defensive mode since the PS4 launch until now :P
One more Cow to come swallow his medicine. Welcome to Sony Fan ownage thread.
This is for you.
It's funy how even in celebration you sound mad and salty lol
Also selective as f*ck reading brah.
Cows have been a lot more terrified of the XBone than vice versa. Battlefieldfan1 making threads posting false information and most cows doing anything to try to derail the XB1. Most lems haven't been on the defensive because the PS4 is offering almost nothing at this point. Cows really lost it when their two launch exclusives flopped into oblivion also.
Impossible to take this review seriously, he ignores obvious AI and weather issues.
He actually states the AI is overly aggressive.
Wii U = AAAE
PS4 = Lulz
So Resogun > Forza 5 on metacritic?
LOL, where's your "great" launch games lemmings? And Ryse still has to come...
Every time you post a baby Cow dies.
It's funny because he made this post about 5 days ago on another thread
MGS4 AAAAE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entire 360 library
Still butthurt now? LOL
"Gets caught using double standards"
"Can do nothing but use internet lingo"
That's the Cow way.
So Resogun > Forza 5 on metacritic?
LOL, where's your "great" launch games lemmings? And Ryse still has to come...
Every time you post a baby Cow dies.
It's funny because he made this post about 5 days ago on another thread
MGS4 AAAAE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entire 360 library
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