Also people thinking that Microsoft is going to stop providing exclusives after 2 years are judging solely off the 360. Microsoft stated they're investing more in exclusives than ever, although the typical response would be lulz Kinect shovelware, even though most of the current exclusives aren't Kinect games.
Contrary to popular belief the original XB had exclusives throughout it's four year life cycle. In the last year year before the 360 came (late 2004-late 2005) we had Halo 2, Fable, Unreal Championship 2, Mech Assault 2, Odd World Strangers Wrath and Forza.
So you have one gen when Microsoft supported it's console with exclusives and another where it stopped after a few years. Not really fair to say that the XB1 is going to dry up after 2014 solely off of the 360. Especially this gen when MS console is more expensive, weaker in specs and is banking on it's superior online, software and features. They'd actually need more exclusives this gen than relying on Call of Duty and Halo.
You are having a meltdown
1/10, don't worry, at this rate it'll only be a few years before you're a barely passable troll.
Seems I struck a nerve.
Nope, 1/10 still
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