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SophinaK Blog

Inactivity, a hobby in and of itself.

So I earned myself a four day weekend by virtue of my raging eye infection.  I called off today because my boss is a germophobe and I thought that going to the doctor to make good and sure it wasn't pink eye was a good pre-emptive move.  Wrong.  I have the kind of eye infection that can ultimately end in permanent damage to your vision. This means I need to use super-germ-killing ointment in my eyes four times a day for the next two days.  The thing about this miracle medicine is that, along with killing anything that ventures near my eyeballs, it also completely eliminates any visual acuity I might otherwise have had.  This necessitates a two-day driving ban while my eyes heal; which leads in turn to my losing two days of pay this week.  Suck.

However, this leaves me with lots of extra hours to kill around the house.  Under normal circumstances I'd blow them all with a controller in my hands, but unfortunately, my eyes are light sensitive and I'm actually getting kind of sore looking at the computer screen.  I can't imagine my vision will hold up too well to the kind of intense staring I do during a game like Indigo Prophecy or even Kingdom Hearts. 

So instead I'm kicking around online looking for things to read, trying to see if there are any of my old friends from other places on the internets lurking around here in disguise.  So far I've found nothing.  But that doesn't mean you're not out there, my friends, and if you're there I will find you.  *shakes fist to emphasize idle threat*

Instead I think I'll go watch some M*A*S*H.  Yay for Alan Alda, an intoxicating mix of humor and creepy-old-man-ness.  Nobody does it better.


I could not be more psyched.

I put up my Culdcept review yesterday (something I've been quite enthusiastically working on for some time), and today I went over to the Community Contributions Union and posted it there... and they liked it! :D

They even said I should enter it in Review Spotting, and perhaps I will!

I'm forseeing a lot of hours spent on this. Playing writer is always one of my favorite hobbies. It's been too long since my last daydream.

Edit: Nothing ventured, nothing gained... I put it in.


Could it be any hotter around here?  Even my dog refuses to go outside.  We're on the short-fuse system at work lately, the girl who sits (sat) next to me got fired yesterday -- about time really, she was never on time, but I wonder if it would have happened in more temperate weather?

All I want in this weather is a tuna sub from Subway, with cucumbers on it.

the joys of moving.

I wandered over to my neighborhood game store and un-reserved my copies of FFXII and Twilight Princess.  If I'm going to be in a totally different part of the country when they come out it makes no sense to have reserved copies here.

Here's to getting cash back - especially when you paid with credit.

I should stop blogging at work.

I spend a lot of time with the IE window squashed into a corner so I can quickly bring something work related to the front.

The other day our IT guy came by to update my software and closed my outlook window, lo & behold, there's gamespot lurking behind. *blush*

I am a bad bad kid.

In other news I bought a slimline PS2 last week, because my loved and babied launch model (still with original box and everything *sniff*) had been caught in the flood in my basement.  Because I have the world's most horrible timing, the same day I got the slimline home the old one started working again.  So I traded it in.  Long and short: sexy new PS2 + 40$ store credit at GameCrazy = happy happy lunch break for me.


Hey look, I have a friend.