@McGregor Any short-term violence brought on by video games is due to frustration from losing the game. Most of the time only a controller is broken. It is very rare that anyone claims that a video game made them "do it". Whether they're mentally disturbed or not, they could also just be trying to plead insanity to get out of a lifetime in jail or execution (ala one flew over the cookoo's nest). I could compare frustration from video games to let's say, trying to build a bird house but it turns out like shit so you throw it at the wall and give up. I think it's the repetition that annoys people the most (ie. losing dozens of times in a row without making any progress. Repeating the same part with the same results).
Katie show me the positive side of your show. I don't like it, therefore I blame it for things like divorce, domestic violence, and depression. I think it's time to do more studies on the effects of Katie Couric on the brain. You may find the results surprising!
People seem to think that video games cause violence because you participate in the violent acts committed in some games. However, it's no different than watching Rambo and fantasizing about killing terrorists, or watching Oliver Stones' Natural Born Killers whose premise glorifies the acts of crazed sociopaths. I consider both to be simulations of sorts. Currently violent video games are the present day scapegoat for all the worlds problems, making any anti-violent-game advocates the modern day book burners.
I don't mind always online as an option. I just hate the idea of not having the choice. What if I have friends over and we want to play zombies or any local multi-player game!? Not to mention single player games that don't need internet are going to be affected. Games like Deadspace 3 with their online-only cooperative made me realize that the days of 4 controllers plugged into a console are coming to an end. I'm also getting sick of season passes too. I think this time around I'm going to boycott Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo by getting a steam box instead. They are getting greedy and are clearly losing touch with the consumers. We finally might see the demise of the three-party game console clutch that the big three have dominated for years.
Shut up Dianne! I'm sick of seeing your wrinkled face on my favorite gaming websites! What about in recent news with the guy that held 4 firefighters hostage? I guess he was playing too much grand theft auto right!?!?!? Nope he was under financial stress, like many other people. This is not a question of what we should ban, but rather addressing issues like mental health and focusing on improving the quality of life in America.
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