bump... any help?
SouL-AsyluM's forum posts
does your system turn on at all? If not, then I don't see how you would do it... Also, have you removed the old hard drive from the system? If that is the case, then I am pretty sure you lost everything because I think the hard drives need to be formatted when they are plugged back in.yentlequible
it doesnt turn on at all, and i took the original hd out a long time ago and replaced it with the 320. i know the hard drives get formatted and i could have sworn i read somewhere before i got the rrod that its possible to copy the memory of that hd without using the ps3. i wish i remembered where thou.
my 60gb died with my 320 gb drive in it two weeks ago, i didnt get a chance to back up my files, i know someone said there is something where you can still copy data from my 320 gb to something else, and then back to a new ps3...if you guys know of what im talking about please help me out. thanx. im dying over here i want to play god of war 3 thats still in its wrapper. :P
Is it possible? i didnt back it up in a while and i dont want to re-do everything... is there a way to get the same save files on the new ps3 im going to buy?
man that sucks, my 60GB just YLOD, right before FF13 AND GOW3...UGHHHH!!! i guess its karma after i keyed a guys BMW X5 when he parked his fat ass literally on top of my hood. :(
is there one coming out? trying to find out but i keep finding like bundles from france... is there one in the U.S. how many gigs and how much and what does it include??
i kno this has been posted a lot, i know it's annoying and i did some research but i'm still not sure.
I got the orig 60gb, obviously warranty expired, and i replace my harddrive a while ago for a 320. what can i do besides send it to sony... if that. Can trade it in to gamestop toward a new one or is it completely useless? plus my game is stuck in there and i have my information like credit card and all that on account, whats the deal with that?
thanx :)
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