Fable had a lot of promise, but Peter failed us. Once again, Peter makes promises, and people are going to believe him again?
Tell me:
If a man tells you to open your mouth, and shoves poo in your mouth, would you trust him if he asked you to open your mouth again? This is what Peter is doing; he is shoving poo in your mouth.
It's not there is any reason to get excited over Pooble 2. They've shown some screenshots, and they all look horrible. The forest pictures have no detail, and there's no reason to be all happy over the fact that on top of having horrible game play, it will also look horrible.
So please, don't hype this. Changes are, it isn't going to triumph any legendary RPG, just like the first one.
Pooble 2 is going to get an 8.5 and no one will talk about after a month of its release.
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