Does anybody know when that street fighter 2 remake is coming out?
I bought Super Puzzle Fighter and i'm loving it, best puzzle game i've ever played.
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Does anybody know when that street fighter 2 remake is coming out?
I bought Super Puzzle Fighter and i'm loving it, best puzzle game i've ever played.
I only got a PS3 a month ago so I'm pretty new. I've downloaded Super Stardust HD (a 21st Century Asteroids), and Pixel junk Eden which is addictive as hell but also both relaxing and frustrating. Both have demos available so you can try before you buy and are only about a fiver. Bionic Comando has been getting very good reviews as has The Last Guy. The two I've downloaded also have trophy support which is a nice bonus that I didn't think I'd be bothered about but adds a lot of replay value to the games.
I'm really impressed by the quality of the titles available and if you have a bit more extra cash you have Siren and Warhawk which are basically full retail games avalable for download. Burnout Paradise is supposedlly joining them shortly as well. Download a few demos and see what you thing ;)
Thanks for the info.
I was thinking about getting warhawk, seemed to be a fun game.
Don't think i'll download burnout paradise - after I bought it I returned it in disgust!
I'm impressed.
Seems to be a very good online service, and i've already downloaded a few demoes, patched games etc.
Anyway, I was wondering if you guys could reccomend some games from the PSN store that particulary stand out?
I was interested in super puzzle fighter HD remix, does anyone have an opinion on it?
This is so silly...The yanks have 46 million uninsured citizens. Sure, national healthcare have its flaws, but it's nothing compared to the current crap.
Please answer this question, why do almost every single western nation except America have nationalized healthcare.
Because universal health care just doesn't work!
It's pretty amusing to see some of you yanks saying that for the insured its fine, hence its all good. Like all uninsured people are all uninsrued by choice, not circumstances. Don't be so ignorant.
Now before you all go jumping down my throat let me explain. The first Halo was widely accepted to be just as good as Half Life. (Even GS said it in a video review) Halo 2 was easily one of the best mutiplayer games ever when it came out, and Halo 3 surpass both those games in all ways. The reason why the Halo series is hated on so much is quite simple actually, it's the reason why emo music is hated on so much these days: because of popularity.
And the reason why Halo games are so popular is because of the quality. This has led to countless elitists who bash Halo games whenever possible because it's not a 10 year old game on the PC. The reality is that all Halo games have done a lot for console shooters.
And before someone brings up really old games, keep in mind that those games might have beengreat for their time but they are out dated in ever way possible compared to Halo 3.
Discuss :). Let's try and keep this as civil as possible.
Your horribly wrong. Let us get this straight - Halo isn't even in the same league as PC shooters. Personally, I believe Counter Strike is the greatest FPS of all time. Looks like others agree since its the most popular online shooter in the world, yes, more popular then Halo.
And that is after 8 years. See, Counter Strike is as timeless as a video game can get. It holds the most prize money in competetions then any other game. After EIGHT YEARS. More people play it online then any other game. (including your precious Halo 3). After EIGHT YEARS.
Do you know why? Because counter strike has more depth and takes more skill then Halo and all the other recent shooters. There is nothing holding you back. There is no aim assist, no auto aim, the hitboxs are small, the only thing that decides what hits is your own dexterity. Not your rocket curving into them, not your crosshair following them around. And dare I say its just flat out more fun.
I believe that a multiplayer based shooter will NEVER take the top spot without the keyboard and mouse because having to use the lame gamepad control scheme seriously limits the depth of the game.
While CS is timeless, your Halo is disposable. Halo 1 was thrown out for Halo 2, Halo 2 was thrown out for Gears, and Halo 3 will be thrown out for another game. I'm sure you'll have great memories of it, or even play it from time to time, but you won't still be playing it more then anything else when the next big thing hits.
'And before someone brings up really old games, keep in mind that those games might have beengreat for their time but they are out dated in ever way possible compared to Halo 3.'
Your not just biased your just flat out ignorant. Counter Strike has much more depth then Halo, its more popular then Halo, and when Halo is dead and buried CS will STILL be #1. Deal with it.
Personally I'll vote for yes as I remember that pile of evolutionary garbage that was taught in Biology, it would have been great to get an alternate view.TheMadGamer
No it should not. Creationism is not science, it has no place in schools,
[QUOTE="Nintendo_Man"]Correction, it is now Nintendo Land and it is the same here in Australia where the PS3 is $1000 ($860 US) while in the US it is now $499. Also remember we don't even have a 20GB version and now we won't have a 80GB version so only the 60GB is available. I really hope people in the PAL regions wake up and refuse to be ripped off.drewtwo99
I found that in australia, the federal minimum wage is AUD$13.47, or approximately
11.7054 USDGuess what? The federal minimum wage in the US is $5.15. I live in Oregon which has one of the highest state minimum wages and we get 7.80 USD. So yeah, we make less in the US and they know we can't afford as much as people in other countries with higher minimum wages.
What the hell does the minimum wage have to do with anything. Try finding out the average wage.
[QUOTE="Juugo"]US gets a friggin 100$ price cut and the 80gb version and what does europe get? nothing
A ps3 was 600$ in the us and 600 euros in europe. Now lets convert 600 euros to dollars and that comes out to 827$. We already have to pay more and we don't even get a price cut
I'd like a perspective of more euro gamers on this. Cows keep swearing up and down that Europe is Sony country, yet Sony still continues to burn them and take them for granted...
Well, they released a value pack thing where they basically threw in an extra controller, resistance and motorstorm for free. They did that instead of a price drop, whether thats a better or worse depends on how much of that extra stuff you planned on buying really.
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