Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company 2 are gonna tear it up along with Halo: Reach BetaToriko42
^chooses this response. I am exited for Bad Company 2 because the destruction doesn't look as generic and you can actually level structures. I wished Red Faction Guerilla was an FPS, but I will just have to wait for BC2
The last boss of Fable 2. And I don't mean "annoying" as in hard to beat. Anyone who played Fable 2, or just watch the video of the "last boss" will know how annoying it is.
that exact clip came from this video
But yeah, the game is apparently complete, there is just a bunch of stupid certification junk that BF1943 has to go through before it can actually be released as an arcade game. Shame I am going to be gone for a month (and not back till August), but hopefully you guys unlock coral sea for me :D
I like Halo multiplayer better because of forge and that multiplayer doesn't revolve around the shotgun. Gears 2 multiplayer also has host advantage which is a serious problem, and there is lag and lag switching at times.
If you already have Halo 3, this is basically what your getting when you buy ODST. An 6-8 hour campaign, firefight mode, Halo 3 Reach Beta, and extra multiplayer maps. However if you don't own Halo 3, then you pretty much get the same multiplayer content with all map packs that came with Halo 3.
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