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SpecterX3 Blog

Updating for the sake of updating

Yeah, I've been coming here more for the news than the community latley. Then again that's how it has always been with me. I tried to start a blog, still trying to get that one of the ground. Some good things did happen though. For instance, I got Team Fortress 2 on the PC and I am now addicted to it much like a smoker is addicted to nicotine. Not the best habit, but there are worse. Few other projects I've been trying to get started, most failed. I guess I'm still trying to find the special skill that I have so that I may exploit it for future gain. Anyway, posting this is just talking to a wall at this point. Honestly I just want that stupid Advanced Wars post I wrote away from the top. Perhaps I will grace you will a review soon, yes I'm being very cocky. Probably Patapon if I do decide to actually turn off Steam and write something. Fun game that Patapon, and very different. Something the PSP seems to be good at. Well, I'm done for now. See you later, but probably not.

Specter out.

Some Advanced Wars Thing I Wrote

Ya, Navarro. You know, let's not go into that. This isn't the Gerstmann thing. This isn't some conspiracy. Ya, it's not going to be the same for awhile, but we all will just have to move past this as we always do. If there is one thing we GS members are good at, it's helping each other through the lose of a staff member. We are in a way, family just as the GS staff members share an emotional bond as well. Bah, maybe I'm just spouting emotional crap that you don't care about, but it's my nature. You'll have to excuse me. Now may I present some Advanced Wars Thing I took about ten minutes to write because I wanted an interesting conversation starter for the game and I'm not aware other people may think I'm crazy at 1 PM in the morning.

The day is almost upon us friends, when the god of all portable tactics will sound the war horns once again. Tis' not long, and his army of minions shall rain down unto the local gaming outlet like a flurry of bats released from the burning confines of hell! And lo! Shall they finally receive the sacred ability to access the threads that bind all living things to this hollow rock and, after all these years of waiting, lift their blades in a unified battle cry of victory! The day of ruin is upon us friends, and soon we shall take up arms as a single unit. Feeding off of each others power and mowing down any opposition that dare cross our path to glory! And when the finally blow is cast down upon the leader of our enemy, we shall raise our heads to the ash filled sky and shout to the heavens...


The HotSpot 12/4/07

Wow...after the Hotspot I don't know what to say. It is really hitting home. You guys can keep on shouting and banging on CNet's door for more answers, but I'm good. Call me gullible, call me a fool, but I believe them. I may even go out and buy Kane & Lynch tomorrow.

Do I still think GameSpot has credibility? Yes. If not more than I did previously. I'm even considering going out to get a job just to upgrade my account. I may not have been around this site as long as a lot of others still here, but I do feel like I have some sort of connection with the editorial staff and I do believe everything they said on the HotSpot is the complete and utter truth.

Am I ok with Jeff leaving? Hell no.I'm glad it's not aboutadvertisement moneythough, and it's not like he is dead. In fact, his gamer card shows hehas beenplaying Kane & Lynch. I still want to know what happened of course, but I can wait until the time comes.

I'm done shouting. I'm done protesting. I'm going to go play some damn video games.

It's The Friggin' CNet Tea Party

My brothers, sisters, and fellow WoW addicts, now is the time to fight. Tommorow we shall dump CNet's hits into the harbor in the attire of the noble Jeff Gerstmann. Lock your doors, boot up your old Dreamcast, play solitaire if you have to, but we must not falter. Stay far away from any site owned by the evil corporation known as CNet and show what we gamers we not let our voices go unheard. VIVA LA JEFF!

Finish The Fight

I've decided to stay on GameSpot. To leave at this point is to pretend like none of this ever happened. I'll admit I'm a stubborn person, I can't let something like this go down without getting my say in it. GameSpot has really been my only source for gaming news for the past 2 years, and that's not about to change. I don't believe the rest of the editors here will sacrifice their integrity to avoid the pink slip and in saying that I believe that GameSpot does have credibility left despite what many people have been saying. Whatever goes down on Monday, you can bet I'll be there for it, let's finish the fight.

Dear Jeff, I suppose I should say something as well

Wow. I don't know what to say. Not only is this a great loss for GameSpot, but for all gaming journalists. To state it kindly, the legitimacy of online reviewers as been taken down a considerable notch. I suppose I won't post much because, well possibly it is hitting me harder than some other people. This is the man that inspired me to consider a career in journalism. In a way, he is my role-model. Perhaps this sounds weird, but no one can deny that him not giving into Eidos more than delivers him the reputation as a reputable journalist. The fact that he would take it so far as to get fired for his opinion is what I consider an act of extreme strength and integrity. Maybe I shouldn't be praising him so highly considering we still know little about what exactly happened, but I doubt Jeff will be viewed as the villain however this plays out. I could post more, but really I can't. I just have nothing to say at how disgusted I am at both CNet and Eidos. I will probably comment again when more information is released on this, but until then I hope you enjoy what could very well be one of my last blog posts on GameSpot.

Celebrating Halloween Online

I already popped on WoW to get in on the festivities a few days ago, I'm reinstalling Guild Wars now so I can pay a visit to King Thorn this year as well. I've spent most of my time on Digibutter.nerr.biz. It's a really cool site and if you haven't been there you should really check it out. It started out as a spoof of the website mentioned in Super Paper Mario, but it has slowly grown over a few months into more a a forum based social MMO. Anyway, I'm off to spread more Halloween spirit. Maybe I'll watch the Nightmare Before Christmas before I see it in 3D this weekend...


Ya,I love this game. It burns away hours at a time so easily and has that "Just one more game" factor that I just couldn't find in Halo. I've always been a fan of team based/class based shooters and this game fits the bill perfectly. All of the classes are fun to play as, and always seem to have those weird aspects that some of the more creative players can take and use them in an entirely different purpose than the creators list them for. For instance, the Pyro is listed as a Offensive character. Set him up in 2Fort near your intelligence though and he suddenly becomes the ultimate Ant-Spy. Vice-versa, the Engineer listed under the Defensive group can also be the ultimate offense. Need proof? Try setting up a turret in front of the other teams spawn point. I myself usually play a Demoman and assault on the enemy base frequently even though it is listed under defense. Hook me up with a Medic, and we'll see how long those so called Heavys last against my sticky bombs. I really can't stress enough how fun this game is, especially when you have a good team on your side. I have never talked this much with random people through Xbox Live. All in all, it's a great game. and to think, this is only one of the five games in Orange Box. I highly recommend this game, even if you only buy it to play TF2, and Portal of course.

Also I'm trying to start up a union of TF2 players, so send a message my way if you want to be a part of it.

And I'm sure frequent TF2 players have already realized I really like 2Fort.

That is all.

LOL Sonic The HedgeHog!

Yes they finally put Sonic in Brawl. I only have one thing to say. Apparently starting internet polls and petitions really does work. Go Fanboys.

Also in your face Olympic game, no one will play you now, not that anyone was going to.

Also my name on Live is SuperGhandi64 if you want to add me :P

That is all. (Short post because I'm busy.)

So about them Halos...

Yeah I got a 360. Go me. And what's the first game I get of course? Well Halo 3 I say. Honestly I can't believe I even considered not buying this. I've never been one for first person shooters, but Halo as got me thinking otherwise. Dare I say it...I might even be...good at it? I've been playing the multiplayer much more than the single, and I can see why it's so popular. I mean just today I got 2 flag runs in a single match easily winning my team the match as well as completely stopping the opposing side from advancing in a neutral bomb game. Though I have to admit the brute chopper and banshee no one seemed to want to use did help. Either way I'm very glad I got this console over the PS3, and I have a long holiday ahead of me tomorrow. So people may disagree, but I think it's actually better to get a system late in the game so you have a bunch of used games to fall back on. Kameo, Chromehounds, and Viva Pinata all for $50. Yes, I'm a savvy consumer. Anyway that's all for now, Halos needs playing and if I'm not going to do it, who is?...Well the other 300,000 people on line, but they aren't getting my rank up are they?