Yeah, that last one was a spur of the moment thing but I'll be planning more coordinated ones from now on. I want to practice these since I'm thinking about making a podcast soon and the user soap box interests me as well. Anyway that's all I wanted to say. Stfu about reviews, they will time.
SpecterX3 Blog
Specters Old Fanshioned Rant: Guild Wars
by SpecterX3 on Comments
You have WoW, I have Guild Wars. It's the same basic concept. We both waste our lives in front of a computer for power, money, and most importantly fame. None of which exists int he real world. Well I mean yeah you could get money, but that's called scamming, and it's illegal...and I'd hate you. Anyway the point is MMOs need to stop being addictive. Well then I guess these companies wouldn't make any money...damnit. See it's a cycle. MMO come out, people play, people get hooked, people invite more people, company makes money, company puts out expansions, people are hooked again and play more, people are slowly driven insane into thinking they are level 70 orcs. It's basically like fishing...except without that last part. Well I guess it depends, but that's a whole other blog post. The point is, these MMOs are all based on chance instead of actual player input. Don't believe me? Then I dare you to go out and find every MMO on the Internet and tell me half of them are decent. Sadly you will fail, and owe me fifty bucks. I don't care if we didn't make a bet, cause we did now. See this is why I like Guild Wars though. Arena Net, more commonly known as A-net, actually goes on major forums and hold events in game to determine how people are playing and what they want more of. Heck there isn't even a monthly fee. Here's an example. The Underworld is a high level end game type area in Guild Wars in which your country must have favor of the gods, which is earned in a PvP Area called Heroes Ascent, to enter here. People didn't like that. Now there are rumors A-Net will make it so you only have to pay a higher price if you don't have favor which is great for countries that aren't America or Europe since they are the only ones that ever get it. Another example is Pre-Searing, a tutorial area of the first game. You don't ever have to leave Pre-Searing and many people don't. It's one of the most beautiful areas in the game. So what did A-Net do? They gave them two exclusive titles and special holding bags for items since they don't have access to storage. They care, We know we are not just customers, but gamers. We get bored with monotonous grinding and the same areas. We don't like monthly fees, we don't like blah blah blah. We as gamers complain a lot, but that is why Guild Wars has become so great. Because we voice our opinions and A-Net listens. So next time you decide to pick up sword and fight some baddies, maybe you should take a detour from Azeroth and give Tyria a try.
DAMN YOU LEVEL 20! Also B-Ball yo
by SpecterX3 on Comments
Why is this level taking so long, am I not posting as much, does it just seem longer, have I gone mad, is the toast burnt!? GAH! Oh yeah and has anyone check out Free Style, that new basketball MMO? I just got this trial disk at a Game Stop and haven't tried it out yet. Look pretty interesting though, and I've been looking for a team based MMO to play with my gamer chums.
Anyway, Specter Out
Only one remains...Also NiGHTS
by SpecterX3 on Comments
I bought all these new games, and the only one left to beat is Pokemon. Finally maybe I can take some time to make reviews of these. Why am I posting here about this....oh yeah NiGHTS.
 Pick up Nintendo Power, cause they got a big ass article about it. Honestly I am actually pretty excited for this. It may even become a bigger hit than Super Smash Bros...Did I really just say that? I hope fanboys don't have guns...
Pokeman is Upon Us
by SpecterX3 on Comments
Yes, this weekend is the fateful weekend that the new Pokemon comes out. I can hear fan boys letting out a cheer round the world, well not the world, more like the US. But that's not the point. The point is, we finally have a new Pokemon. The last original one we got was Ruby & Sapphire, everything else has been remakes. I think that's kind of cheap, but then again I guess we need them to get all the Pokemon on the new ones. Either way I haven't gotten a Pokemon game in awhile because of this, and needless to say I'm pretty excited. Even I used to be quite the Pokemaniac. Needless to say I'm getting it, probably will pick up Fire Red eventually too. Anyway this was mostly because I haven't posted in awhile, missed me didn't ya :P
 Oh yeah, and Project Top Secret sucks. It's more of a competition than a team effort. I give it three thumbs down.
 Later Kiddies, Specter out.
Too Many Games! 0_o
by SpecterX3 on Comments
The future is now. FEAR THE ROBITS!
by SpecterX3 on Comments
So I got Custom Robo Arena, and it's quite possibly one of my favorite DS games. I can't believe it only got a 7.9, than again GS didn't exactly give a great score to the GCN version either. Any way, this is definitely a breath of fresh air after the turn-based battles of FF3, not that it's a bad game. The action in this is just so fast, and really it has more strategy in the part selection than I thought. Can't wait to take this bad boy online once I outfit my Robo with some better gear. Expect a review, along with my FF3 review, soon.
Project Top Secret: Phase 1
by SpecterX3 on Comments
I just got an e-mail from Acclaim, and phase one has officially begun. At this point we will be developing the world and the characters that live there. Apparently, as Gamespot noted in their news post, only around 23,000 actually made it in. Guess I'm luckier than I thought. Outside of that apparently we can have teams now which is new, a team will split the prize if it wins. Probably the most ironic part though is that even though the forums are technically open, so many people tried to access it that it crashed, go figure. Well that's all for now, I'll report back to you when there's something new. Specter Out.
Final Fantasy Splurged My Money, that lazy bum
by SpecterX3 on Comments
New Kingdom Hearts Commercial
by SpecterX3 on Comments
According to this video, we are less than two weeks away from new information on the next Kingdom Hearts game, knowing some of those Japanese kids they'll beat it in like 2 days. If you look close enough you will see a few parts of new cut scenes, not to mention one of the knights from the secret ending is actually a secret boss.
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