Well, thank you Slorgie, for making my cookie monster avatar. :D
Well, thank you Slorgie, for making my cookie monster avatar. :D
The reason for this is I am bored. Now. I'll try to mix these up a bit, here it goes.
Grizzly Bear
There you go, lots of music for people to check out. Do enjoy.
So, today I was thinking, well, partially morning, that if... (gotta think of something say, this isn't the way I usually do blogs, pulling stuff out of my ass usually doesn't pass.) Well, let's change the subject...
Oh wait, I was thinking of how much I enjoyed watching CNN Headline News, yes, it is a rather odd hobby, but I enjoy always knowing of stuff. It surprises me of the lack of knowledge at my school of current and/or past events. Just simple things that made big headlines in the past, it makes me wonder what the others were doing while historical event were in the process of happening, and yes, even though it was morning, and I was home, I didn't go to school today. It seems odd for someone like me to miss school, being that the most I've ever missed in a year was three days of school, all excused. But ha, today is the second day, and a full year of school ahead. Golly jee I should be working on my book report, but instead I'm doing this. Now let me find where we were... ah... Here we are, news. If I were to go to school on Monday (which I will be) and walk up to a group of kids and asked if they heard about OJ Simpson (which I won't) they would probably look at me, astonished and go, "didn't he kill his wife or something", or just a simple "Who is that?".
Now, the lack of current events in the society aren't all the well known, while schools are focusing on simple things as in... well... They are focusing on all the right things, but they should fit current events in there somewhere. Of course they would know nothing of about stocks, as they see it as "useless numbers" but as most people have seen in the past few days, it's been ugly. Stocks are falling hard, hell, the only thing that seems to be doing good now is that wonderful resource that is crude oil, the thing our soldiers are dieing for, oh yes, I said it. This ever decreasing resource... Now my science teacher told us 2 years ago how a man had invented an engine that would run on simple H20, but, Oil Tycoons and the government, yes my friends, the big boogie man conspirasicts (pardon my spelling on this one, love, but spell check marks it red and gives me no suggestion, so I am oblivious to the likes of what it may or may not be) turn to, are holding him back from developing it further. But anyway, stocks are falling, the economy is worsening day by day.
And another thing schools do teach, but not very well is culture. As stated in my essay, my state (or my area) is full of uncultured, bigoted nobodies. Who are either to busy hunting, kicking other races out of town, or calling people queers, to learn culture, but they would need to learn to be more tolerant. My friend actually thought all Canadian's were, well, dark colored, like people of Hispanic heritage are. I spent 10 minutes convincing him he was far off, and Canada was just a culturally diverse Nation.
And to wrap it up, I doubt any of you will read this, or make it this far, so... I end it with a final statement. I love you all.
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