I still game...(a lot, actually)
by SpiritOf on Comments
Long time no see boyos and girlios! I'm not dead, but I am going to back into this journal thing very slowly.
September has passed and so too has the MASSIVE amount of work I was forced to squeeze into it. I think I put in somewhere around 375 hours work during September (between two jobs), so not really a whole lot of time for gaming and to be quite honest I stopped keeping track after the first 100 hours. October was spent picking up the pieces of all the stuff I let go to hell during the month of September and becoming (yet again) completely absorbed in post-season St. Louis Cardinals baseball. It may comes as news to some of you, but my boys actually won it all, as in the World f'in Series! I was stunned and overjoyed that St. Louis brought it all together at the perfect time and gave us a World Series trophy. 24 years it has been since last we saw one. A long time it has been, yes. October was also spent giving myself to a few little treats to celebrate the Cardinals win, for my being such a swell and upstanding working man, and because I had a birthday somewhere in there along the way. The first treat was the ~Battlestar Galactica Season 2.5 DVD Boxed Set~. A super colossally awesome kick-ass show that EVERYONE should be watching (but probably isn't). I've watched the first disc and the show hasn't lost one bit of it's impact. Great stuff. The second treat was ~Okami~. I sat down on the Sunday I bought it and played all day and into the night (about 8 hours total) and if you can make it thru the incredibly dull and wordy tuitoral/intro you'll find yourself in a very happy, happy place. Reviews are comparing it to Zelda, but I really don't see it. Maybe it's similar because it's cel shaded and the combat is fairly simplistic, but when has Zelda every had a wolf and a magical cosmic paint brush? The comparison is a very weak one. Okami is it's own beast and is apparently the swan song for one of my favorite developers, Clover. At least they can go out with heads held high. My third treat, and by no means smallest, ~an Xbox 360~. I bought it online via the soon to be dead ~Amazon.com~ deal. I picked it up along with ~Oblivion~ and ~Dead Rising~. I also plopped down $25 and downloaded ~Geometry Wars~, ~Uno~, ~Smash TV~, and the Lego Star Wars picture pack. I'll say right now, I haven't touched Dead Rising, but Oblivion and I are intertwined, intimate, and embarassingly in love with one another. If there was ever a case to be built around the reasons the world really doesn't need online gaming, Oblivion would be the foundation, all four walls, and the roof (and maybe even the sun deck). Oblivion is really beyond proper description to it's greatness. I made my character as a Dark Elf/Crusader (actually very dark, blackish skin, red eyes, and white hair, like a Dark Elf Skunk with the heart of a champion) and walked thru the excellent tuitorial as I was unwillingly assigned to protecting King Jean Luc Picard. After I, also unwillingly, watch Picard get jacked by some bad ass assasin, he gives me an amulet and tells me to take it to some dude on outside. After fighting my way thru the sewers to the exit and stepping out into the VAST and OPEN world of Oblivion, I audibly gulped. Like an actual hard swallowing *gulp*. That's how bad/good Oblivion is. It's intimdating, but in a very cool and epic way. You really feel like "the hero" when you step out and start exploring. As for the rest...Smash TV and Geometry Wars are basically two games of the same cloth, twitch shooters that are very "pick up and play". Geometry is MUCH harder than Smash, but I dig overwhelming, wave after wave of enemy games, so I'm good with the difficulty. Uno showed me two things. One, this is definitely THE game for anyone and everyone. Simple and intuitive. My grandma would love it. The computer opponents seem to be incredibly good at having just the right card at just the right time, but that sort of leads into the second thing. Two, Xbox Live (on random play) is, and ALWAYS WILL BE, totally broken. When I can't play a game of ****ing Uno with random strangers because the dudes running the game kick me out because I don't own a camera (and I didn't have my mic plugged in), there is something seriously wrong with the online experience. When a goddamned card game is being over run with Halo 2 facists, a goddamned card game, there REALLY needs to be something done. Does Microsoft honestly think that my grandma would play Uno on a 360 when she's surrounded by guys calling her a "****ing idiot" within the first 10 seconds of a game. Why are losers like those even paying for Xbox subscriptions? Why would my grandma? I can't even fathom their thought process..."Oh man! I can't wait to get home and RUIN a few games of online Uno for a bunch of ****ing idiots! I rule!". Please die.
So, that went on a bit longer than I thought. I guess I've got about 2 months worth of pent up thoughts bubbling to the surface. Wish me luck, I pick up my copy of ~FXII~ tomorrow afternoon. I also ordered a region free (cheaper) copy of ~Marvel Alliance~, for 360, from play-asia.com, and I won a 360 copy of ~LotR: The Battle for Middle-Earth II~ from a trivia contest on Gamespot back in July. I didn't even know I had won and thought someone had made a mistake until I pieced together the memories. Anyway, excellent timing. I didn't own a 360 at the time, but the copy arrived just a week after I actually did buy a 360. I thought that was cool. Haven't played it yet.
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