I have MAG,and I must say that it's been a rough ride. It's not that good because: A: People rarely follow orders. B: The LMG was ridiculously over powered,but by the time they fixed it nearly everyone had left. Now there is shotgun spam everywhere. C: One faction had ridiculously overpowered maps which make winning impossible,and thus it felt like running into a wall each time you attacked. E: The game was charging $10 for maps and game modes that should have been in the game from the start. The only thing I found that was really fun about MAG was stealth. Get a silenced gun,a motion sensor,improved stealth,and if you can sneak behind SVER's lines, you can run around blowing up all their assets. I once went unoppsed for 20 minutes blowing stuff up. There's a big adrenaline rush when you're hiding from 128 soldiers.
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