SquareRocks' forum posts
[QUOTE="gatsbythepig"]Nah, I don't really see any reason for that. RE4 was remade because it's a shooter. WW wasn't even that great.Link_188in ur opinion
it's kind of understood it's his opinion if he didn't specifyotherwise...
[QUOTE="campbell1874"][QUOTE="Tlahui"]Since they are also, we even got Splinter cel? and as far as Im conserned, they arnt getting any major exclusive game, since they are all going to PC sooner or later, so why are they always saying that the PS3 is loosing exclusive Third party games, while they never even had major exclusive that didnt went to Pc?munsoned
Alot of people only play games on consoles so they just dont count the PC.
If i compare a game then i compare it to the PS3 and the 360. So even if a game is out for the PS3 and the PC only then it would be a console exclusive for the PS3.
true,who buys a 600/ 400/ console then buys a 2000 dollar pc rig just to play the same game as the 360 or ps3s lolI did because I don't just play games on my consoles because I prefer shooters and strategy games on the PC. Only got the black 360 and ps3 for football games, RPGs, occasional racing and mech titles, etc. Anyway back to the thread; who cares what other people think? They're entitled to their own opinions anyway. It is kind of dumb to really want a console to fail, but whatever...
[QUOTE="SquareRocks"][QUOTE="Ganon_919"]Super Monkey Ball...... *cough*Blackbond
monkey ball and trauma center both suck...*cough*...
anyway i agree that the ps3 and xbox 360 will dominate, but the wii will still have the same first party games that were fun to play in the n64 days except they will be improved and ill feel a bit nostalgiac and buy one :)
How original. Say the system has no games and that its games suck and then when someone shows you good games you say those suck too. Man by your logic all systems such :roll:
nah...the wii has good games, but i'm just saying that i dislike both of those games mentioned. I love mario party, zelda, star fox, smash brothers, that red steel games pretty good, and a few others. Just because you like those games doesn't mean everyone thinks so. The ps3 and xbox360 have their share of bad games, too. And where did i say that it has no games in that post? I do believe its selection isn't that big yet, which is pretty true, but hey neither does the ps3...which I don't know why i bought so early. And by the way, by my logic, those two games suck :), not the system.
[QUOTE="jackle2071"][QUOTE="processedkill"]yeah you get so much when joining the army....lack of body armor crap helth care, the army trys to advirties the spirt of brother hood and bond you get when your in war. humping the feelings and insperation that was created during WWII. sence that war there has been no conflict worth dying for nam was a joke and this so called war on terror is also a joke. we only keep provking people to come and kill us cuz we have turned out back on so meny all just for $$. and the poor men and women who give there lives so some budy can make a profit. Honor is dead it died along time ago.lol... Do you watch those? Friggin' hilarious!
Nah, but seriously, the military offers you so much for so little, they'll teach you, train you, give you living quarters, feed you, and all you really have to do is what you're told. And don't even bother with the "But you can die." bull **** yeah you could die if you were infantry, which I wouldn't plan on doing anyways. Good deal in my honest opinion.
Ungrateful little punks like you should join the army, maybe then you'd know what the hell you were talking about. I'm in the Army, just got back from my 3rd tour in Iraq. The army is the best thing I've ever done. It builds character (the good kind, not the kind you obviously display). And I'll tell you something else....99% of those iraqi people are HAPPY that we are there. They don't think its a joke. They were living under a dictator who gased hundreds of thousands of his own people. He'd cut off their fingers, their hands, or their whole freakin' arm as a form of punishment. We freed prisoners who had their eyes gouged out. He harbored terrorist organizations, some of which were responsible for 9/11. And while it's true that no nuclear weapons were found, he had enough nerve and mustard gas for WWIII. Those are considered weapons of mass destruction. So just because YOU don't directly benefit from the war, doesn't mean it's a joke. But you've never had an Iraqi woman throw her arms around you and cry and thank you for freeing them have you.
I respect you a lot for being in the army, and that guy's comment may have sounded extremely a-hole like, but i don't think he was criticizing the soldiers, he was criticizing the politics that go into this war. But I agree, there is still a lot of honor in the army. What some people don't realize is that you don't need to fight ancient civilization style warfare to be honorable.
I'm getting all the exclusives for my xbox360 and all the nonexclusives for ps3+ its own exclusives
my list
lost planet
gears of war
viva pinata
need for speed carbon
elder scrolls oblivion
armored core 4
Super Monkey Ball...... *cough*Ganon_919
monkey ball and trauma center both suck...*cough*...
anyway i agree that the ps3 and xbox 360 will dominate, but the wii will still have the same first party games that were fun to play in the n64 days except they will be improved and ill feel a bit nostalgiac and buy one :)
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