I am half way trough FFXII and all i can say is wow its even greater than i tought the story is not beter than FFX but still very close!!! I must finish it before FFIII ds comes out.
Square_ruler Blog
FF-XII review!!!!!!
by Square_ruler on Comments
Like i said my arm was almost good but it isnt but my hand yes so ive played 20 so hours and this is what it came too.
I bought final fantasy XII collectors edition and its collectors edition strategy guides but i wont use it until i finish the game(I hate spoilers).This game is not just fun , its called a masterpiece. We have everything we want in a Final fantasy and more 10/10!!!!!! Ive been playing it for 20 so hours and i only did 1 quarter of the game and ive been locked on the story since the beggining, the graphics are sooo amazing!!!, the sounds are new and really good,love the song at the beggining it had been a long time i hadnt heard it on final fantasy games. Like i said this game is a masterpiece it will go far and i think it was the last game on ps2 good to buy. This game will take you over 100 hours to finish if your like me(finish the license all, get all weapons all armors all items all espers hiden ones included get to the last level you can i think 100. and ilot more the sidequests and more more more!!!!!!)
So if your a final fantasy fan and you dont have this game shame on yourself and if your not go and buy it now seriously last amazing rpg on the ps2!!!!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!Feeling a best game in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Square_ruler on Comments
FFXII is soooo amazing its very nice and everything the graphics are the best the sounds are amazing and clear the gameplay just wow i will make a review soon!!!!
Final Fantasy XII got it!!!
by Square_ruler on Comments
I am making a union!!!and who can make a banner!!!
by Square_ruler on Comments
Who wants to be appart of my union i need 4 officers and if you say yes i want to be an officer be sure you can become one, because there are some of you that are already in to much unions. My union will be about rpg's and square games.
1-So be sure your ok to be an officer
2- say yes.
3- say why you would like to become an officer
thanks in advance i will choose the most qualified!!!
For the banner part i would like a square ruler banner. With final fantasy x and vii pictures pleeeeeeassse it would make me so happy!!!
Worst day ever...
by Square_ruler on Comments
God hates me or what!!!
by Square_ruler on Comments
I still broke my arm. But now its the right one cmon i am getting tired of these breaking arms and legs. This time it was a football accident i was running and a guy made me a body slam in the stumick and i did a flip over him and landed on a guy but then everyone jumped on me. I got up ok but then i fell unconsious and i woke up in the ambulance i had my arm twisted for a second time. My girlfriend was kind of freaking out.
This is just to tell you that i start to believe the greenday song nice guys finish last.
Oh yeah i am soo good!!!!!
by Square_ruler on Comments
Last year i had 65% in all of my courses lol.:( But know i have 95% in math and french,100% in english lol i am in a french school so the english is easy lol...85% in science and 80% in history and the other ones(not important i have between 70 and 80%) :D
So yes i am proud of myself and no i am not trying to make me look inteligent not at all just that i had to tell all of you lol!!!
I have a new girl friend!!!
by Square_ruler on Comments
i have a new girl friend . She's 15 like me, she has brown hair and eye's. She is 5,6. Just 3 inchs lower than me.We have been in love for a year but we just knew it today. But i am really happy.We will go at a place called red lobster and eat there tomorow then we will go to the cinema and if thing go well...well!!!
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