I don't see why people feel the need to have games validated by people who will most likely never care. What does it really matter? Cage especially seems to completely hate gameplay and he doesn't have the writing chops to compensate for that. As much as I love a great story in a game, I'd much rather play a Zelda game over Heavy Rain.
Make it in the times of the dinosaur and have the player thrown into the role of a keen young velociraptor who is only trying to gather food for his sick mother, when he is thrust into an age old conflict between blahblahblahwhoevencaresanymore? Just make it good.
As soon as a game uses Phil Collins in an advert I make sure not to buy it. Or perhaps its a genius ploy by EA to show that this is still a horror game...
David Cage can talk about creativity and games 'growing up', when he can finally write a story that makes bloody sense. Guy seems like he doesn't play any games but the ones that he makes.
Sstrawberryjam's comments