yea that video card won't work. You'll need at LEAST a 4850, preferrably a 4890 if you are looking to play Crysis. However I'd wait since new cards are coming out soon once Win7/DX11 come out.
In that case I'd go with something in the G series by Asus (like Flatline's). My friend has that exact same model G50vt and he plays WoW and Left for Dead on it. The only downside of a "gaming" laptop is the battery life so if you're getting a laptop because of college, I'd still consider a smaller, lighter, cheaper model with more battery life. If the most demanding game you'll be playing is WoW then why not save some cash?
i ain't embellishing : it is gold mine in a way but we are not millionaire why ? cause we are nearly million of people buying from & such lot of pc hardware it is easy to make a pc : il proof waht i say once more : here look clearly the cpu kay ?
what does this even mean? we are not millionaires because there are nearly only one million people buying from newegg. Oh I see, we aren't millionaires because we are spending that money on building budget rigs. Otherwise all nearly one million of us could very well be millionaires. Damn that's embellishing.
also to OP, once you've gathered your parts, there is a great picture guide that a member made yesterday on how to build a computer so you are pretty much set
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