And now...I'm done.
Ok, not really.
StanleyL Blog
GameSpot News, Japanese Porn, and BoingBoing linkage
by StanleyL on Comments
Just doing my share in letting the internet know just how investigative our amazing GS news team is.
Of course, BB probably couldn't resist making a blog entry about Japanese porn anyways. heh.
Enterprise is dead.
by StanleyL on Comments
by StanleyL on Comments
I'm gonna add it to my wish list.
What is the world coming to?
by StanleyL on Comments
Do the updates have large talons?
by StanleyL on Comments
Though World of Warcraft has been my game of choice lately, there has been plenty of whining and crying about when the next WoW content patch is going to be released. And while I haven't nearly exhausted my own supply of unexplored WoW content, I pulled back a bit nonetheless to just slow down and "smell the mageroyal". However, in my previous entry regarding Valve's lack of support for Half-Life 2 multiplayer, I have to say that their latest updates have had me returning to Steam more than I would've expected despite my desires for that Wintersaber mount.
Over the past several weeks, Valve introduced the SLAM, stunstick, and not-sure-why-it-wasn't-there-in-the-first-place crowbar, along with a new deathmatch map. Counter-Strike: Source was also granted bot support and three new maps, including an upgrade to the ever-popular de_train. What I've been most impressed about is some light being (finally) shed on Day of Defeat, a product I paid for nearly five months ago but have yet to hear even a release date for. With details being spilled out from the beta test, I may finally have a reason to drop my mace and pick up my trusty kar98 once again. Oddly enough, I still feel more at home in the war-torn streets of Caen than I do running back and forth between the Ironforge Bank and Auction House.
Even better, with just under half a year since the release of Half-Life 2, various mods have gotten a chance to find their sea legs and fully develop into something you can actually enjoy. The ever-popular Garry's Mod is in it's 7th incarnation, with no signs of slowing down. The Strider Mod made it's multiplayer debut, so now your dreams of raining wrath upon your enemies from 100ft above the ground can finally be played out. The striders can even kick cars like tin cans to flatten other players, how awesome is that?
And to file under the "Valve should've included it" folder, the Half-Life 2 CTF team ramped up to their v1.1 release recently. The fast paced style of HL2DM has essentially been ported over to Capture the Flag, and it may not be everyone's cup of tea. But after some brief stints of frenzied flag-carrying fleeing, I'm convinced that the mod team has something good on their hands. Apparently VALVe thinks so too, since they recently challenged the Steam community to a CTF match.
I'm not complaining about Blizzard's pacing of patches, or the fact that my damn combat rez doesn't work the way it's supposed to. But I'm certainly glad that while waiting in the meantime, I'll be sure to be to getting my money's worth out of Half-Life 2 and it's many cousins.
Gaming Monogamy
by StanleyL on Comments
World of Warcraft has slowly been eating away at my life. I don't mean at my normal life, I've made sure to distance myself from the pit of no return where addicted gamers cry out from a sea of instant ramen, showering-bans, and work/school/friend neglect. I mean my gaming life. I've become a monogamous gamer, and while this game is amazingly fun, I believe some apologies are in order.
Riddick, I'm sorry I've forgotten about you. I saw your game on the Xbox, and heard your praises from the Game of the Year meetings. I even enjoyed your brooding anti-hero performance in Pitch Black. I said I'd make time for you when you arrived on the PC doorstep, but I have to apologize for pushing you aside.
Sid Meier, you've been so good to me. I've spent countless hours conquering the world with Stan Nation through all three Civ installments. When I heard about Pirates, I promised I would make time for you again. I even bought the game for a friend for Christmas, but I know that doesn't justify my neglect. Alas, my gaming eye caught the glow of another game...
Link, Link, Link, and Link. You guys have been great. You've brought me back to the 2D glory days of my youth, and even allowed me to bring some friends along. The SP-GC connectivity made Four Swords a blast to play, but just after three levels I've lost touch. My Gameboy-toting housemates are always out of town and I've found my multiplayer fix in the arms of another. I promise I'll make time for you again.
Counter-Strike. We've had a love-hate relationship over the years, and I'm sorry for abandoning you for Day of Defeat. With your new Source face-lift I wanted to make time for you, I really did. But without the comfort of my college dorm gaming community, I can solo rush the de_dust B site so many times until the flash bombs get to me.
I've finally lost my gaming bachelor mojo and settled down. I've become a one-game man. *sob*
/logs on to WoW
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